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Net Making


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by posting in this section i take it you mean longnets Mal? i know a few on here make quality nets but i havnt got the patience for that. i've made a little stop net but would rather use my time making purse nets. if you mean purse nets on the other hand. give Pat a ring at Bridport nets, he should be able to sort you out. i use the spun nylon from there in yellow or red and find it top quality but it isnt cheap at around 10-11 quid for 500gram, then you'll need rings 8-10 quid for 100, needles, 2mm drawcord 8 quid+ for 1kilo and pegs.


have a look on osprey site. its a company down this way that sell net needles. see if they still do samples and just get a small and a bigger one. alternatively just get them from pat.


dont think your first net will be perfect or even your 10th perfect :D but just enjoy learning and when it all falls into place you'll be made up.





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have a look here Mal. It's there website. It isn't very helpful but it does have there contact details on it. I have sold a few older hemp nets i didn't need but honestly if your looking to make money from it i wouldn't bother. It takes me too long to make them for a start :laugh: I just enjoy making things in general and with the nets i can make them to my own specifications.


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have a look here Mal. It's there website. It isn't very helpful but it does have there contact details on it. I have sold a few older hemp nets i didn't need but honestly if your looking to make money from it i wouldn't bother. It takes me too long to make them for a start :laugh: I just enjoy making things in general and with the nets i can make them to my own specifications.


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:big_boss: [quote name=bigmal' date='Jun 23 2008,

have a look here Mal. It's there website. It isn't very helpful but it does have there contact details on it. I have sold a few older hemp nets i didn't need but honestly if your looking to make money from it i wouldn't bother. It takes me too long to make them for a start :laugh: I just enjoy making things in general and with the nets i can make them to my own specifications.Hi I would make them in conjuncuncution with other crafts my son and I do . such as carved animal head sticks working stcks terrier boxes ferret doxes an3 D pictures of dogs in wood.



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They sound interesting Mal. Get a few pics up mate. I've made a few ferret boxes over the years but again only for my use as i wanted something small and lightweight yet strong. Have a look for net making for sport by Howard Glyn i think it is. Excellent book. Check your PM's in a minute mate.

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