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It wasnt aimed at you smudger it was a direct dig at me, vixen seems to think she has some kind of monopoly on breeding borders and anyone else who has a litter is in the wrong, even if its her "line" the dogs are off, make sense of that if you can cos I cant :clapper:

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  SJM said:
It wasnt aimed at you smudger it was a direct dig at me, vixen seems to think she has some kind of monopoly on breeding borders and anyone else who has a litter is in the wrong, even if its her "line" the dogs are off, make sense of that if you can cos I cant :clapper:


OK, there was me thinking I had upset somone, me never :icon_redface:


Thanks for the comments on my Dogs, I'm not as hard core as some of the boys on here, would not pretend to be, but I know the dogs I like and they are Borders.


Hope I have not started a cross border dispute, us English have a habit of doing that. !! :whistling:


Cheers Smudge

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  SJM said:
Well I gave a couple out of the last litter free to trusted friends, I know they would repay the favour at any time in the future, thats what its all about isnt it? :thumbs:you made my day because of what you wrote about giving pups away, to trusted friends, and i do agree with that, unlike some that have jumped on the band wagon charging £ 3-400 apup because its the going rate, if i have read your post wrong then i do apologize, to many trying to make quick money out of pups, it should be about working your terriers and not money,
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  vixen said:
  SJM said:
Vixen, dont you mean "oh dear more puppies bred out of YOUR dog" ?? :whistling:

People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones, if you dont like puppies being bred but your breeding yourself, that makes you a hypocrite :doh:

ETA most of my planned litter are spoken for allready, I am keeping one possibly two from it, not that its any of your business. Funny thing, I met someone the other day who has a border dog, its the biggest I have ever seen, about 16" tall and has a head on it like a staffy, I prefer my borders nice and small, they told me the dog is at stud, I would have thought a breeder who doesnt want puppies produced out of their line would put endorsements on the pedigrees? I asked to see the dog's pedigree, and sure enough same sire to my bitch, your dog "Todlaws Eyecatcher" - think before you speak :D


SJM................i did NOT breed ANYTHING youhave in your kennel,and i cannot help it if someone whom i have trusted to use my dog has sold pups onto puppy farmers, NOT that it has anything to do with you but the last litter i bred was TWO years ago and the litter before that was FOUR years ago and the one before that was SIX years ago as i only breed for myself and ALL MY PUPPIES are spoken for as i have people willing to wait years for my puppies, a few puppies off of my dog which i have NOT BRED will obviously fall into the wrong hands through lying lowlife people who will never use my dogs again, i am talking people who i thought were trusted friends............i wont PM you as anything i have to say about my dogs can be written on the forum for all to see like my kennels for anyone to see, unfortunately if a dog that someone else bred out of my "TODLAWS EYECATCHER" REGI for short has fallen into your hands and you say you dont like anything you have seen out my stuff as it's all big :rofl: THEN WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU BREED FROM IT?????????????? SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT THERE SJM ;) , Now as a border enthusiast i have FOUR borders at the moment ................TWO dogs (including REGI who is now 12), ONE four year old bitch whom i had a litter off TWO years ago and i GAVE my friend the pup i liked out litter, and i have a puppy bitch my friend bred and gave me, and my TWO old borders 15yr and 13yr old HAD to be sadly put to sleep last year, Now as someone who has kept borders A LONG time i wouldn't say i breed a lot or keep a lot.........and as in all breeds no one can breed perfection as the PERFECT DOG has still to be bred, but a lot of thought in breeding quality in my lines and not quantity suits me, and as for letting people use my dogs for stud, they ONLY go to very trusted friends i know do not puppy farm, Now how many borders do YOU have? and how long have YOU kept borders? and how many litters have YOU bred? and why do YOU KC register them if you are only breeding "workers" and giving them away for FREE?


PS........nice pup smudgersmith :yes:



Thank you.

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  vixen said:
  SJM said:
Lovely dogs, good luck with them, the pup is well cute :thumbs: Im all broody at the moment, got some border puppies of my own due soon and I cant wait :clapper:


:( Oh dear more puppies ..........

unless you are paying for the food ,cleaning em out ,or they affect you lifestyle in any shape or form its nothing to do with you

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You need to learn to read Vixen as I said the DOGS I had seen out of your dog were oversized, in particular one I went to see owned by a local lad which is being offered at stud. The bitch I have here out of YOUR dog is a perfect size, but after seeing several dogs from the same sire, all on the big side, I decided to use a small dog to (hopefully) keep the size of the resulting pups down. I also breed for my own use, Ive had one litter so far in that litter there was only one bitch that I fancied, but I had promised the pick of the litter to my keeper pal way before I even lined the bitch as he has always wanted a border, he liked the same bitch I did, so I let him have her (free). Other pups from that litter went free to people I know as well. This litter Im expecting is for myself, I will keep the best pup or pups for myself and the rest are spoken for before they are born. My ex is planning having one as his old dog is on the way out (again free) and a couple of mates are having whats left over (again free) I do have a couple of other people lined up just incase the bitch has a large litter, I may sell any surplus which I think any breeder is entitled to do (am SURE YOU DO THE SAME) the reason I register them is because Its good to know that a few years down the line when my dogs are getting on in years, I can possibly get a pup back off the same line, and because its friends, its not going to cost me a penny. Plus most people like to have the dogs paperwork, and pedigree stating hows its bred. All the questions your asking me can be turned around onto YOU why do YOU register your pups if they are just for free, for friends and for work like you say???? seems like you have double standards.


You say its out of your control what happens to pups out of a bitch thats been covered by your dog, hmmm well I think if it was me I would be a bit more choosy who I let use my dog, my dog has covered 3 bitches, 2 are mine and one is a working bitch belonging to a local keeper. I di not charge him a stud fee as he is a nice young lad who came recommended to me by another keeper, and I am always keen to help folk I see as being genuine. What stud fee do YOU charge to people who come to use YOUR dog(s)?? and if it bothers you so much that other people are breeding, why not put endorsements on the papers? It doesnt stop breeding altogether but it does stop the pups being registered with the KC if thats something that annoys you.


Your right on one thing, I havent had borders as long as you, but then Im a lot younger than you arent I? :D but I am a quick learner and I know when someone's just being rude to other people because they think they have some kind of monopoly on breeding a certain breed :yes:


You can go back to your glass house now :feck:

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  trader said:
  vixen said:
  SJM said:
Lovely dogs, good luck with them, the pup is well cute :thumbs: Im all broody at the moment, got some border puppies of my own due soon and I cant wait :clapper:


:( Oh dear more puppies ..........

unless you are paying for the food ,cleaning em out ,or they affect you lifestyle in any shape or form its nothing to do with you


pots and kettles springs to mind mate.


as for the dogs off vixens line being to big then it all depends on what you want them for sjm. if its just a bit of bushing or ferreting then you may want a scawny small headed dog but if you want something to hold its own in an earth then i know what type i'd like. i have asked vixen for a pup for a good few years now but she never has any spare pups for sale as they are all well spoken for in advance because she doesnt breed alot. i cant comment on your borders sjm but if you do half as well at breeding a line of borders that vixen has done then you will be doing well :victory:

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Thats odd Wyllie cos thats not what you said in the convo we had in the chatroom the other night :doh: You said she had refused to give you a pup despite you asking her loads of times. I wont mention what else you said suffice to say the 2 faced-ness of people on these forums is unbelieveable :thumbdown:

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