miles 227 Posted August 8, 2006 Report Share Posted August 8, 2006 this is what i mean mik Quote Link to post
Guest chilli Posted August 8, 2006 Report Share Posted August 8, 2006 Funny looking deer Miles old boy . Quote Link to post
miles 227 Posted August 8, 2006 Report Share Posted August 8, 2006 The rut was over and thet,d lost their antlers :11: Quote Link to post
Guest chilli Posted August 8, 2006 Report Share Posted August 8, 2006 Explains everything ! . Jolly glad weve cleared that up tip top old bean . Quote Link to post
miles 227 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 C.M.W full of em many will take foxes well,admited,not as well as a good bull x,but on lamped rabbits,if there brough up right theres nowt to beat em.On deer,any deer in Blighty,the right ones(e.g stuff out of Noon,s "Beast") are (were?) simply superb. There a some suberb dogs out there of all breeds,but you mentioned speed stamina and centuries of breedin and saluki,s not bein up to it,theres many would disagree. Quote Link to post
lampinglurcher 36 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 i guess its fair to say i've probably got a pretty bad view on saluki's, having only seen 1(shocker) run, and im biased towards deerhound x's anyway!lol Quote Link to post
miles 227 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Why are you puttin saluki blood into your breeding? Your origonal post(removed) stated "centuries of breeding blar blar" I think you need to take off your scottish coulored glasses (tartan?) :11: I love Scotland and all things scottish but i cannot be arsed gettin into a saluki v,s deerhound debate,its all been said before Good luck with ya breeding and happy hunting Quote Link to post
Kane 2 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 C.M.W full of em many will take foxes well,admited,not as well as a good bull x,but on lamped rabbits,if there brough up right theres nowt to beat em.On deer,any deer in Blighty,the right ones(e.g stuff out of Noon,s "Beast") are (were?) simply superb. There a some suberb dogs out there of all breeds,but you mentioned speed stamina and centuries of breedin and saluki,s not bein up to it,theres many would disagree. Thats quite a statement saying that if a saluki is brought right there nothing to beat it at lamped rabits you need to stay of the sauce mate.... ive seen salukis struggle to put a turn on a rabbit that a whippet would of hoovered up but that whippet maybe couldnt kill hares ...take of the saluki coloured glasses mate not once have I said salukis were bad in fact my deerhound is due pups this weekend & the dog is made up of a lot of saluki blood but the point of the thread was salukis & deer & no one realy doubted saluki crosses at catching deer (pre ban) but for you to say could a deer hound catch 5 winter hares im agreeing your probaly right ..but i could fill this forum with pages of game that my deerhound has caught (pre ban) but not once did I say salukis could nt catch deer Seems a bit strange to be shouting about Deerhounds and then when your Deerhound bitch comes in season putting a saluki across it...........something lackiung in Deerhound type studs perhaps? Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 The more I read this section of the hunting life ,the more I'm convinced that not many actually run lurchers but still have an opinion on the subject .Some small lurchers WILL take fallow.I'v seen it .Those that know me on here will know Im straight down the line -tell it as it is.I owned a 22" terrier x lurcher that had 3 fallow does and a young buck single handed not all at once I might add but spread out over her career.Its the same with any dog ,any quarry -if the dog wants it bad enough then a result is on the cards .Back to the thread and I see no reason why a saluki wouldnt take a fallow if it was used to taking roe as well.Technique is learnt as the dog matures and any dog with the basic trip and throat hold would not be phased by a bigger deer .We dont have rolling plains here in Wiltshire so running dogs are able to pressure quarry in small fields and make the most of any mistakes made . Quote Link to post
miles 227 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Mik,were is your origonal post? Why has it been removed? You imply in ur posts that salukis r slow right? Its a sterio-type that just aint true.They would,nt get near a hare if it was so.This is a forum for debating on,you made a post i and others, disagreed with.Why send threatening P/M,s,? Again my piont is,a good salki/saluki cross is will do the job on fallow,period. As for lampin rabbits,the mother and father to these dogs are lamped on rabbits by the south wales boys and they would,nt use owt else. Im shure you said there not up to the Fallow in your orignal post but like i say its gone Quote Link to post
miles 227 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 THIS IS THE LAST IM GOING TO SAY ON THE MATTER I DONT KNOW OR CANT REMEMBER WHAT POST YOUR ON ABOUT OR WHY IT HAS BEEN REMOVED MAYBE ONE OF THE MODS WILL TELL YOU WHY IT WAS REMOVED .I DID NOT SEND YOU A THREATENING PM I SENT YOU PM PUTING MY POINT ACCROSS & YOU WILL SOON LEARN THERE IS SOMETHINGS YOU SHOULD NOT POST ON THIS PUBLIC SITE BECAUSE OF THE BAN ...WHAT I DID DISAGREE WITH YOU IS M.W full of em many will take foxes well,admited,not as well as a good bull x,but on lamped rabbits,if there brough up right theres nowt to beat em. JUST LIKE I WOULDNT SAY DEERHOUND CROSSES ARE THE BEST AT LAMPED RABBITS IF YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS THREATENING YOU MUST OF LEAD A VERY SHELTERED LIFE "Look mate fuk knows what your trying to say but dont come on this site & try & make a c**t of me ." Sounds like a threat to me :whistle: Writing is caps is also SHOUTING. As is made perfectly clear these pics are PRE-BAN. Perhaps IAN B could shed some light on it? Finally ive no ruck with you personally at all just discussin runnin dogs,all the best Quote Link to post
teckel 3 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 well i take it you aint a fan of deerhound or deerhound crosses miles?tell you the best thing for bambi and thats a winchester .243 knocks them of thier feet and perfectly legal and anyway salukis look good a crufts :11: Quote Link to post
Phil Lloyd 10,738 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 :11: I can't believe hunting men are arguing about such a foolish querie???? I've owned several Deerhound and Saluki based lurchers that took Fallow Bucks,.and Sika Stags,.it has NOTHING to do with hereditary traits,..but more so with ATTITUDE..... Its over for me, but feck ,...I miss it so..... :ph34r: All the best to ALL crosses,.Chalkwarren.......... Quote Link to post
lucky 578 Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 we've all heard of or even seen dogs off different crosses etc doing stuff we did'nt think was possible but it has been done, i suppose any decent size lurcher could perfect the art of nocking deer over even the bigger types, if it does it then it does it simple. my old dog tyke took stacks of roe in his time day and night regular but he was'nt very good on fallow or sika simply because he did'nt see many but eventually he would get them down after a couple of attempts and he was a collie/bull/greyhound 28"ats and around 70 lb, but i've seen much smaller lighter dogs make it look easy i think a lot of the my dog can chat depends on the deer aswell was it a 35kg fallow or was it a 100kg fallow that it could or could'nt drop Quote Link to post
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