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cottage cider

12lb apples

1lb raisins

1.5-2lb sugar

1 gallon warm water

wine teast

wash apples put them trhough a mincer ore chop finely.place in a plaastic bucket(with a lid very important).

add the water raisins sugar and 1 tsp wine yeast

stir well and cover with lid.place in a warm place for 2 weeks to ferment.stiring 2 times a day.

after 2 weeks strain the mixture off through 2 layers of muslin into a fermentation jar.

squeze out all the juice from the pulp into the jar.insert an airlock(as yoused by winemakers)and alow to ferment out(stops bubbling)then place in a cold place ie the shed for 1 month then bottle and drink as you like.the longer you leave it the better


1 verry important steralize all containers and utencils firts (campden tablets)

2 put a small amout of water and campden tablet mixture in the firmentation lock about half full

3 sterilize all bottols [bANNED TEXT] bottoling

4 if after being in the shed for a month your still getting bubble put 1 campden tablet in the cider this will kill the yeast an so stop fermentation

good luck

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no it dosent realy matter what apples you use.and if you put in 5lb of sugar it will just end up sweet .wine yeast will die off at 15% vol half the sugar turns to alcohol the other to carbon dioxide what ever is left after15% just sweetens the cider 15% is enuff i think it getts you wankerd..........

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cottage cider

12lb apples

1lb raisins

1.5-2lb sugar

1 gallon warm water

wine teast

wash apples put them trhough a mincer ore chop finely.place in a plaastic bucket(with a lid very important).

add the water raisins sugar and 1 tsp wine yeast

stir well and cover with lid.place in a warm place for 2 weeks to ferment.stiring 2 times a day.

after 2 weeks strain the mixture off through 2 layers of muslin into a fermentation jar.

squeze out all the juice from the pulp into the jar.insert an airlock(as yoused by winemakers)and alow to ferment out(stops bubbling)then place in a cold place ie the shed for 1 month then bottle and drink as you like.the longer you leave it the better


1 verry important steralize all containers and utencils firts (campden tablets)

2 put a small amout of water and campden tablet mixture in the firmentation lock about half full

3 sterilize all bottols [bANNED TEXT] bottoling

4 if after being in the shed for a month your still getting bubble put 1 campden tablet in the cider this will kill the yeast an so stop fermentation

good luck

You forgot the drowned Rats, guys.


Regards Rob

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whats a fermentation jar ? is there anything else you can use as a substitute ?

its what the wine makers use its a damijohn you cant realy use anything else as you need to fit a air lock and the bung for them is the perfect size to fit a demmi

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