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what kind of range

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what kind of range would you get at something tuned to 20ft/lbs, i know you would need a fac for this rifle, but a friend has got 1 plus fac as he does a lot of golf coarses, i would ask him but he's away at the moment, just wondering what you guys think-----cheers all---jack :thumbs:

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Difficult to estimate as we know nothing about the condition of the rifle. 20 ft/lbs doesn't necessarily mean shit. The energy of the pellet, leaving the rifle, will drop off substantially as the range increases.


Best way to gauge it is to set a chronograph, at varying ranges, and measure the downrange power. If we estimate 3ft/lbs, in a head shot, to kill a rabbit then this is how you'll know your maximum range.


It's difficult to give you a rough answer as all rifles will shoot differently.

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