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HAYFEVER the curse of the countryman

Guest greengrass123

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Lots of different things to be allergic to though in the case of 'Hay Fever'


Depends on where you live and whats around you as Tree's and Grass give off pollen at different times.


The hard part is identifying what is getting up your nose, then you can do something about it.


I heard the other day the severity goes in 7 year cycles, whether this is ture or an old wifes tale or not you'd best ask Kay ;)

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Lots of different things to be allergic to though in the case of 'Hay Fever'


Depends on where you live and whats around you as Tree's and Grass give off pollen at different times.


The hard part is identifying what is getting up your nose, then you can do something about it.


I heard the other day the severity goes in 7 year cycles, whether this is ture or an old wifes tale or not you'd best ask Kay ;)


Must try much harder :whistling:

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