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food or sport?

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Does anyone here hunt to put food on the table rather than sport?


I hunt for good food, the fact that I enjoy it, I think doesn't make it sport. In fact I don't remember ever being in competition with anyone. :victory:

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ya in some respects, dogs have got to work for there food, as i have a deal with with my butcher half the rabbits go to him and the other half and what ever else i catch go to them........... and the rabbits i give to the butcher pay's for all the dog food i could wish for.... so i ain't complaining T 7

Edited by tiny 7
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My main quarry is not eaten, so have to say sport without a doubt although the farmers are happy we are keeping numbers down, but another favourite quarry of mine is the wild boar, and earlier today we had a big ol' feast, starting with boar jerky, then boar chops with liver & plenty of all.

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Well, when we go out we've got a saying,,,,, if we can eat it, we'll kill it. Allways seems fair enough.
the reason i ask is, 20 odd year ago i keepered an estate. Myself and the head keeper lived entirely off the estate, with the exception of dairy and bakery products as the estate was purely arable. Given the state of the country, I am now reflecting on how much easier it was not living in a supermarket society.
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My main quarry is not eaten, so have to say sport without a doubt although the farmers are happy we are keeping numbers down, but another favourite quarry of mine is the wild boar, and earlier today we had a big ol' feast, starting with boar jerky, then boar chops with liver & plenty of all.
would love to try the boar. my best mate is in NZ SOUTH, and informs me his muts took a 140lb boar a couple of weeks ago. his biggest to date. well pleased.
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Well, when we go out we've got a saying,,,,, if we can eat it, we'll kill it. Allways seems fair enough.
the reason i ask is, 20 odd year ago i keepered an estate. Myself and the head keeper lived entirely off the estate, with the exception of dairy and bakery products as the estate was purely arable. Given the state of the country, I am now reflecting on how much easier it was not living in a supermarket society.

It's all fuxked up bud that's my opinion.

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Well, when we go out we've got a saying,,,,, if we can eat it, we'll kill it. Allways seems fair enough.
the reason i ask is, 20 odd year ago i keepered an estate. Myself and the head keeper lived entirely off the estate, with the exception of dairy and bakery products as the estate was purely arable. Given the state of the country, I am now reflecting on how much easier it was not living in a supermarket society.

It's all fuxked up bud that's my opinion.

do'nt get me wrong, charlie's still on the quarry list, but then I put that down to neccesity also.
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Well, when we go out we've got a saying,,,,, if we can eat it, we'll kill it. Allways seems fair enough.
the reason i ask is, 20 odd year ago i keepered an estate. Myself and the head keeper lived entirely off the estate, with the exception of dairy and bakery products as the estate was purely arable. Given the state of the country, I am now reflecting on how much easier it was not living in a supermarket society.

It's all fuxked up bud that's my opinion.

do'nt get me wrong, charlie's still on the quarry list, but then I put that down to neccesity also.

Of course ;)

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Well, when we go out we've got a saying,,,,, if we can eat it, we'll kill it. Allways seems fair enough.
the reason i ask is, 20 odd year ago i keepered an estate. Myself and the head keeper lived entirely off the estate, with the exception of dairy and bakery products as the estate was purely arable. Given the state of the country, I am now reflecting on how much easier it was not living in a supermarket society.

It's all fuxked up bud that's my opinion.

do'nt get me wrong, charlie's still on the quarry list, but then I put that down to neccesity also.

Of course ;)

got to keep the wee black yins in a job. lol.
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i shoot for three reasons, the sport.......the food, the excercise...... plus you get to see the countrysidein a whole different light

Snap shot, very well put when you say excercise. I went lamping in jan, I dragged along a very eager lad who thought it would be a 1 hour few fields 5 rabbit job. When we got out of the LR he was happy to put the rucksack on. Started at 9.30-10.00pm finished at 3.30am 30+ bunnys he was to towing his bollox out. Exercise!! I should coco.

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