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Guest JohnGalway

A week or so to get used to it then it will become the norm. People are just reacting as it's new to them, but as said it's not new to the site. I can see how "warn" appearing on your screen could cause concern but once it's explained the majority of folks just get on with posting :) Like Chris says there are always going to be people who will object to anything, I'm not for one moment saying those who object to this are akward as everyone is entitled to their opinion naturally but some folks just like being akward.


I saw this being implemented elsewhere, so members could see their own warning level. I thought it was a good idea. So I asked if it could be done here and it is, so anyone who doesn't like it can lay the blame fully at my doorstep as I think it's unfair if any of the other mods or admin get the flak for it. I am of the opinion it's a good idea, people will know where they stand and why. Again as Chris says it could give some pause for good thought who otherwise may still carry on with a type of carry on that could see them gone from here.


Infact if you think about it, it is a good idea. I know of a few members who were on course for self destruction and deletion who stopped for a minute after a quiet word and now contribute valuable Topics and posts here :yes: This too could help people think about what they're posting about, if their membership of this site, talking to the people they know on it and meeting new people is important to them or not.


The sky will not fall tomorrow because of this ;)

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