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Somewhere over a rainbow..........

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No mate,thats being saved for a special project,we are actually buying a sort of freshwater "Trawler" :icon_eek: this weekend :angel:;):D


The mind boggles it really does, as ive said before M you have too much spare time on your hands.....nice to see that nice Mr Lee is back ;)

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Too much spare time?Surely you jest sir?Two kids,er indoors,a dog,and I work all hours that god sends wearing my fingers to the bone to finance Gordons stay in No10,well,it has to be for something like that or prescotts little junkets because I sure as hell dont see any of the f***ing money I earn,and you say I have too much spare time?I am like everyone else mate,running on the wheel to keep it spinning :no:

As for Mr Lee,he sent me a thousand apologies via PM,I am not a bad guy mate,I dont hold a grudge,even though he did besmirch my character and good name,but he has admitted to working in a knitwear shop in the north-west of england and favouring a rather unusual moisturising "regime" for his facials :o

The boat we are buying?Well,joes a frustrated king-crab fisherman,never misses an episode of "Deadliest catch" sits in front of the TV with his Sou'wester and the Met-office number on speed-dial just in case.Regrettably we arent anywhere near the norton sound so the lakes of england have to suffice,and even then he gets a bit queasy till his feet touch terra-ferma ;) Not like us old sea-dogs Chess ;)


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You got the PM I sent you with the Link to the salmon river?I have a strange plan,sure it will work,have you got a Video camera JOE?You must have surely?Your loaded mate,and I dont mean your carrying a full mag either :victory:

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F***ing hell,Mrs M was just frying me a nice piece of trout(Kids wont touch the stuff now,the youngest one said he is fish-sick and probably has Taiwanese trout-flu :blink: Its like the 17'th century London apprentices protesting against the salmon they were fed,wish we didnt live in a smokeless zone,might be a few chimneys I could bung them up)and what does she find?ANOTHER fly :icon_eek: Could have done me an injury that could :thumbdown:

JOE,your locked'n'loaded mate,wedged up to the eyeballs,didnt you hear my sharp intake of breath the other night when you told me how much your camera cost?I was just thinking,when we get the "Trawler"and launch her we could do a YOUTUBE piece :victory: Every other f***er thinks they're Spielberg,we might as well give it a go,even though I dont think they do Academy Awards for fishing clips :hmm:


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You NEED one mate :whistling: all the boys-toys you have and you aint even got a video camera?Shame on you,hang your head in shame :thumbdown: Few weeks is fine,it'll be that long before they are running in number anyway mate and we hace recce'd the place properly,did you notice they do tours and show you the best salmon pools :icon_eek: Nice of them isnt it?Thats why we are wiser sticking to upper-class fisheries,better type :angel: of service for £100+ quid a day :victory:

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stun fishing next ?

Got the T-shirt from that one BRB,PE&Det to home-made carbide bombs and divers-recalls always abroad however :victory: Its not that Fried,some things are like a circle or ring,they never end mate,you just keep adapting and modifying your techniques to stay a step ahead of the opposing team,I phoned about some salmon fishing a few days ago,over £150 a day for a father&son ticket :icon_eek: I couldnt let my monsters near a water like that,they would clear it of fur,fin,and feather but I guess the head Bailiff sensed my keeness and has offered to walk me along his stretch pointing out the best salmon pools and other features of interest to us fishing types,cant turn down an offer like that,its like being taken into the royal mint and the security weaknesses being pointed out by HRH herself :victory: (if only).So,I would put good money on a few sea-trout and salmon being banked or as we say in the proper salmon fishing fly phraseology.....Grassed(hate that term myself,stands the hairs up along my spine :icon_eek: ). :victory:

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As for Mr Lee,he sent me a thousand apologies via PM,I am not a bad guy mate,I dont hold a grudge,even though he did besmirch my character and good name,but he has admitted to working in a knitwear shop in the north-west of england and favouring a rather unusual moisturising "regime" for his facials :o


The knitwear shop and the facials ok, but did I feck send you a PM :nono:

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Asian Silver Carp Maty,go up to 60-70 Lbs.What you have to remember about those bowhunters is a lot of them are bow-pros,their day job is archery and hunting to promote products,TV shows,lesser mortals like ourselves,unless we were really good instinctual shots wouldnt have as high a score rate :blink:

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