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dog problems can anyone help ??

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recently my dog has started chewing himself all over and scratching alot .. ive used every flew spray and bathing shampoo money can by ive flead the hole house but still he is doing it. my mam seems to thing he has a skin condition of some sort and recntly i have found a bald patch on his side with it red and purple under neath :( does anyone know whats up with him? hes going to see me aunty who is a vet tomorrow but i know shell just says hes got fleas where as im starting to believe its more then that now .. :good :

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just to add aswell, it has only started getin that bald patch since he had a little scuffle with a doberman x saluki over a rabbit which left him as holey as a tea bag lol. but that was all sorted and healed and he wasnt hurt where the bald patch is...

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i have found a bald patch on his side with it red and purple under neath



Run a Google search on " Ringworm ". See what ye think.

Good call ditch get him a ml of ivomec or cydectyn providing he hasnt too much collie base in him cydectin is just as good but hast the after affects ivomec leave some dogs xx

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

If ye'd looked up the story on ring worm, rather than the pictures, I believe ye'd have found out what it is and what may cause it.


Just to add; I've found Noromectin to be as good. Only it's about 1/3 the price because it dosen't contain the stuff for something like Lungworm in cattle. Hardly a concern of ours then.


Look for it on line or where ever horsey / farmy people shop near you. Over here it's non script and I can just wander into the creamery and buy it off the shelf.

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If ye'd looked up the story on ring worm, rather than the pictures, I believe ye'd have found out what it is and what may cause it.


Just to add; I've found Noramectin to be as good. Only it's about 1/3 the price because it dosen't contain the stuff for something like Lungworm in cattle. Hardly a concern of ours then.


Look for it on line or where ever horsey / farmy people shop near you. Over here it's non script and I can just wander into the creamery and buy it off the shelf.

i took my dog down to my grandads today , who has had greyhounds since he was my age , and he said as soon as he walked threw the door hes pulled a muscle in his leg :S . so i ended up finding another problem lol anyway ... he also says its off working bad thorn bushes when hes comeing out all cut to rippons his skin has been infected and thats why its all purple, red and bald. so he has gave me a few different spray and creams and its starting to clear up thanks for the help though :good:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:good: Well that's great news, mate! Genuinely good to hear it.


Means ye Dog hasn't got anything too drastic. Shows ye have the good sense to Listen to a more experienced man, as old as he may be. Saved ye running off to some white coated Mugger who would, in short order, have had ye bank account stripped, ye Dogs balls off, loaded him with worthless drugs and your arms with worthless refuse to feed what was left of him!


I hope ye asked ye Grandad how he could tell ye Dog had done a muscle? He obviously knows his stuff inside out. Learn all ye can from that man. Respect him. I'd certainly like to share a pint with him. I have an Uncle who's not bad around a Greyhound himself. It grieves me that I'll probably never get to sit and talk to him again. So much he could have taught me. As could my own Dad.


Anyway, that's why I never blandly Stated, " It's Ringworm ", see? I hadn't seen it and didn't Know. Watch out for people who will make such sure and sweeping statements, on line. Sounded like it. I wanted you to see for yeself and form an opinion of ye own. That's how we learn. Guidance. Not by blind acceptance in what a computer says.


" Bad thorn bushes " ? That Dog been near any Blackthorn / Sloe bushes? They're vile things. It's said those thorns could turn an angels heart to green puss.


Now examine those " Sprays and creams " and make a note of their names and what's in them. Try to learn the main stuff by heart. Brands and exact ingrediants may change with time, but ye'll have a better understanding of what works for what. Comes the time Grandad isn't there to provide.


Mheanwhile, give my regards to ye Grandad ;)

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thanks for ya help ditch :good: at least you tryed for me mate. my grandads been trying to get me into greyhounds for years .. i think he wants me to take over for him when he goes thats why hes tryed so hard but id rather have my workers anyday. even though he makes thousands of pounds more then i do off a terrier and a cupple of bedi/whippets lol .. he said he spotted the muscle cos every 4 or 5 steps he would hop and said his dogs have done that many a time but hes fixed that for me now... he fixed me dog aswell when it was left like a lifeless tea bag after a little fight with a doberman/saluki or a mixi rabbit .. wasnt pritty hes a good man i owe him alot anyway thanks all esp. ditch ;)

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Glad your dogs on the mend mate, it just goes to show that the old boys know stuff that the new ones may never know :notworthy: spend as much time as you can with him and all will be passed on. Take notes and believe me lots of guys would love to be in your position so take full advantage :thumbs:

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The itching all over doesn't sound like ringworm, had it myself as a youngester, but without a picture it would be a little silly to make, even a tentative diagnosis, ie look at ringworm. But for future reference selsun shampo contains a copper fungicide that if applied, dabbed on with a little cottenwool to isolated spots, a few times a day for a week or so will clear up ringworm (worked for me lol).

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