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Hey i am cool

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My sons been practicing a couple of songs for a week or so now as he wanted to play one at my brothers 40th birthday at his house on saturday , so i said well dont get playing really heavey stuff, something a bit kinder on the ears will surfice


So basically he has been practicing all sorts & i took little notice of the racket coming from the house almost constantly when he is in :laugh:


So last night he sugested i sang to his playing, so i said ok pick a song let me read the lyrics ect & we gave it a go , i have no singing voice so it was very hit & miss :laugh:


Then i made his day he started to play the beginning of Stairway to Heaven so i sang it , his face was a picture '' Oh my god i cant believe you know the words to the best song in the world'' :toast: yes i am now no longer an embarresment to him , he even made me a cup off tea this morning , and said '' man i didnt know you knew that song Mother'' :laugh: & then went on to tell me how Mint Jimmy Paige is :laugh: so i told him i had stood inches from him at a small gig at a place called the Hummingbird in Birmingham over 20 yrs ago , that was it his face lit up & he went off to school a happy lad :D

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Well Kay,


He must be shocked to find this other side of you :laugh:


Maybe you'll see the end of the Kevin and Perry moments :laugh:


Are you singing at the birthday party too, have to keep practising if you want to improve? :yes:



SS :thumbs:



Well we sang ring of fire and i think its apt as my mothers doing the catering :laugh: i think i will let him strum away on his own i am not ready for an audience :laugh:

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Well Kay,


He must be shocked to find this other side of you :laugh:


Maybe you'll see the end of the Kevin and Perry moments :laugh:


Are you singing at the birthday party too, have to keep practising if you want to improve? :yes:



SS :thumbs:



Well we sang ring of fire and i think its apt as my mothers doing the catering :laugh: i think i will let him strum away on his own i am not ready for an audience :laugh:

Nah, you should be up there with your Kiri Te Kanawa hat on :laugh:


And as for the Catering , you should be doing that with all the cooking skills you told me about :yes:


Ring of fire? More like "Lets call the whole thing off" :laugh: :laugh:


SS :thumbs:

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Well Kay,


He must be shocked to find this other side of you :laugh:


Maybe you'll see the end of the Kevin and Perry moments :laugh:


Are you singing at the birthday party too, have to keep practising if you want to improve? :yes:



SS :thumbs:



Well we sang ring of fire and i think its apt as my mothers doing the catering :laugh: i think i will let him strum away on his own i am not ready for an audience :laugh:

Nah, you should be up there with your Kiri Te Kanawa hat on :laugh:


And as for the Catering , you should be doing that with all the cooking skills you told me about :yes:


Ring of fire? More like "Lets call the whole thing off" :laugh: :laugh:


SS :thumbs:


well i did do chops like i told you i would but i wasnt keen on the mint stuff , i did try it :laugh: as for singing i think i will stick to lisening :laugh:

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Just how uncool are you by calling YOURSELF cool, other people have to think it too you know..................... :whistling: only joking..........or AM i :laugh: So whats stopping you from posting another little vid with you on vocals kay.........come on..........lets have it....... :yes:

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Just how uncool are you by calling YOURSELF cool, other people have to think it too you know..................... :whistling: only joking..........or AM i :laugh: So whats stopping you from posting another little vid with you on vocals kay.........come on..........lets have it....... :yes:


you have more chance of juggling soot :)

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