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6 week old kit cant walk straight

Guest bigredbusa

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Guest bigredbusa
go on with ya, it could just have had a bump, give it a flippin chance


jojo no offence if it has problems it will be PTS , are you the sort of person who takes crap on like that ? i bloody wouldnt .


anyway it may turn out ok

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  Kay said:
Could be osteodystrophy


copied from a site

Osteodystrophy is also known as brittle bones. This disease was more common in the past, when ferrets were fed diets low in calcium.


Young ferrets (usually around 6-12 weeks old) with osteodystrophy moved more like seals with their front legs pointing out to the side. Because the bones in their legs and spines are deformed and soft, they never completely recover.


To avoid this, please make sure you give your ferret a balanced diet so that it gets all the necessary nutrients to keep it strong and healthy.

didnt they used to call it rickets :hmm:

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  jacob said:
  Kay said:
Could be osteodystrophy


copied from a site

Osteodystrophy is also known as brittle bones. This disease was more common in the past, when ferrets were fed diets low in calcium.


Young ferrets (usually around 6-12 weeks old) with osteodystrophy moved more like seals with their front legs pointing out to the side. Because the bones in their legs and spines are deformed and soft, they never completely recover.


To avoid this, please make sure you give your ferret a balanced diet so that it gets all the necessary nutrients to keep it strong and healthy.

didnt they used to call it rickets :hmm:


No idea Jacob

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its a baby kit the its been fed the same as the others and they are fine so it isnt diet ... it hasnt been anywhere apart from its cage so it couldnt have had an injury severe enough to effect its mobility ... it obviously has a spinal or hip defect that it has been born with .... the sad fact is it probably wont get better so its better to do the decent thing now rather than later ..........

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Guest jojoamojo
  bigredbusa said:
go on with ya, it could just have had a bump, give it a flippin chance


jojo no offence if it has problems it will be PTS , are you the sort of person who takes crap on like that ? i bloody wouldnt .


anyway it may turn out ok


hope it does turn out ok Busa


i do take crap like that on, everything deserves a good chance, then if its no good and it cant be fixed with time and effort- well fair enough


but your giving it a good chance :notworthy:


my reply was not aimed at you at all, i just didnt think it was fair for that guy to say get shut based on a few seconds of footage :) that decision is yours alone

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just because its eating how do you know it isnt in constant pain ??? the lack of wanting to move around would indicate to me that the poor little fecker is hurting and that means every day you do gooder types keep it alive is another day the animal is suffering ... a classic case of the pet brigade killing with kidness ..........

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As its the only kitt in the litter showning it i would let it be for a fortnight and watch it ,it may just have suffered a knock playing with the other kitts

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Guest jojoamojo
  socks said:
just because its eating how do you know it isnt in constant pain ??? the lack of wanting to move around would indicate to me that the poor little fecker is hurting and that means every day you do gooder types keep it alive is another day the animal is suffering ... a classic case of the pet brigade killing with kidness ..........


with all due respect and running the risk of causing a row or being a bunny hugger..........having not seen the ferret bar on a youtube clip how could you possibly know its in constant pain and therefore deem it worthy to be shot?


Busa is giving the ferret a while to see if it recovers and that should be respected.

Edited by jojoamojo
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  jojoamojo said:
  socks said:
just because its eating how do you know it isnt in constant pain ??? the lack of wanting to move around would indicate to me that the poor little fecker is hurting and that means every day you do gooder types keep it alive is another day the animal is suffering ... a classic case of the pet brigade killing with kidness ..........


with all due respect and running the risk of causing a row or being a bunny hugger..........having not seen the ferret bar on a youtube clip how could you possibly know its in constant pain and therefore deem it worthy to be shot?


Busa is giving the ferret a while to see if it recovers and that should be respected.


JOJOAMOJO dont twist my post ... i never said i KNEW it was in constant pain i asked HOW DO YOU KNOW IT ISNT IN CONSTANT PAIN .... unlikr you i have kept ferrets for a long long time and i have pretty much seen it all ... when you get one kit in the litter like this 90% of the time they dont come good FACT..........

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Saw these kis about a week ago and all seemed OK to me all 4 were walking the same then.

Could well be an injury he got playing with the litter, perhaps even mum.

If it was diet surely the others could be in the same way?

I know its varied as I supply a good bit of it anyway :whistling:

See how he goes.

Did have an jill years ago that suddenly developed back end trouble.

The now late Fred Taylor diagnosed a calcium deficiency and said feed small mammals and birds.

Did this and added a suplement of calcium to her diet as well.

She made a full recovery.

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