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6 week old kit cant walk straight

Guest bigredbusa

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i agree with teh above. I ahve had hob with a limp!!!!! but they soon adapt. It can happen in large litters or with the runt sometimes they get a bit squished when 1st born. Time will tell


He may just take a wee while longer to toughen his limbs up. looks healthy otherwise.


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Mt mate's hob went through a stage of walking like that when he was a kit. We put him on a diet of chicken wings & he was back to normal within a few weeks. Whether it was the chicken wings, or he just 'grew' out if, who knows, but he's fine now.

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I think if it was something it would have affected the whole litter he's maybe just a bit behind try him on a flat surface not grass and see how he manages them keep him on a flesh diet and all that will help ,in a couple of weeks i reckon he will be the same as the rest

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Guest jojoamojo

we had a hob come in like that last year, we used to hold his back end in a bath of warm water and the constant movement made his legs stronger


i hope he gets stronger soon

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that young hob didnt even look like it wanted to move which would tell me that it is in some sort of discomfort ... it obviously has some sort of defect that is going to effect it for the rest of its life and seriously hinder it at a worker so that means it is destined for a life in a cage .... do the decent thing and end its misery now ...........

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Guest jojoamojo
that young hob didnt even look like it wanted to move which would tell me that it is in some sort of discomfort ... it obviously has some sort of defect that is going to effect it for the rest of its life and seriously hinder it at a worker so that means it is destined for a life in a cage .... do the decent thing and end its misery now ...........


come off it, you cant tell that off a 2 min you tube video :icon_eek:

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Guest bigredbusa

well i just moved them in the run and 'spacky' is still having problems keeping up with the rest , he is feeding as well as the rest .


if he can walk but still has problems getting a jog on i might keep him as that might be an ideal ferret for bolting as he wont be quick enough to chase lol

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Osteodystrophy if the kitt had that it defenitly moves like a seal this kitts not doing that it just looks uncomfertable with the leg,Best thing as you say give it a couple of weeks assess it again then make your mind up

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that young hob didnt even look like it wanted to move which would tell me that it is in some sort of discomfort ... it obviously has some sort of defect that is going to effect it for the rest of its life and seriously hinder it at a worker so that means it is destined for a life in a cage .... do the decent thing and end its misery now ...........


come off it, you cant tell that off a 2 min you tube video :icon_eek:


nope i cant but i can tell from over 30 years of keeping and working ferrets ........

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