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very nice dogs them wheaton crosses how do they compare

to bull crosses in stamina and temprement? and has anybody

tried the glen imall terrier over a greyhound?thats a real nice

dog brummy a credit to you and lucky all the best with them

lads ;)

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thats a cracking looking animal brummy! my dream dog! and as for your extensive permission, i think you will find it all belongs to me! hahahaha, but your welcome on it anytime! up the villa!!!

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firts wheaton cross i saw was m c glenn from stirling a good dog his was twenty five and a good deer rabbit and fox dog i had a pure wheaton was a bit aggresive with dogs i gave it to m c glenn he gave it to a guy down south early ninties to mid ninties , a woman at dog training thought she could train the wheaton bitch like her flat coated retreiver she was the dog trainer it done a few small dogs she says to me do something with it so i gave it to m c glenn who liked it more than me , but a nice bitch and would have been handy for bushing working with terreires but a fecher with small dogs etc cheers dont no what ever happend to it cheers

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