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Guest silenthunter

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Guest silenthunter

what age do everyone sell there kits i sell mine when they are 11 to 12 weeks old i got asked the other day by sum women if i wonted to buy some ferret kits said no sorry got 6 my self she said well if you no anybody who wonts them they are 10 pounds so told my mate the farmers son he said yeah i buy one so went round her house to see these kits i kid you not they was only about 3 to 4 weeks old just looked like there eyes have just opened i said to the women sorry love but you cant sell them that young she said why wat the fek you no about ferrets so i said i got ferret my self plus i have bred with them before and i no that they dont stop weaning to at least 6 to 9 weeks so the women said get out of my garden so left but felt so sorry for them kits god nose whats goin to happen to them they are stupid people around but its bleedin comin sense it makes my blood boil people like that dont think about the animal just wont to make money sick. what do you lot think about this happy hunting silenthunter.......

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Good for you for standing by your age to sell rules, to many people are quick to get rid way before the kits are fully independent, they learn such a lot from each other & there mom.


so many people get kits who just sit there huddled together for the first 2 weeks of gettting them home, they should be tazzing round like looneys , i have collected kits from all over the place in the past when i rescued & they should have still been with there mother basically

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Guest silenthunter

yeah i told her that but she said i have read up in books about it how many books do you no that tells you to sell kits at 3 to 4 weeks old i love to no what book that was ie how to kill ferret kits proberly sick . :wallbash:

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Some folk aint got a clue she's just seeing the ££££££ sign's .It's a shame but if she sells them and they die she will get a name for herself locally as a messer

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yeah i told her that but she said i have read up in books about it how many books do you no that tells you to sell kits at 3 to 4 weeks old i love to no what book that was ie how to kill ferret kits proberly sick . :wallbash:


The second ferret i got when i started out years ago was off a chap who worked his adults & did a lot of ratting with his dogs


I answered an advert in the local rag & got a friend to take me , i was amazed at how many kits he had there must have been 40 , but he had a fantastic set up, it was spotless & his dogs were so well behaved round the kits


He had a great big run which he had sectoned off at knee height into 4 areas , he had a mixture off kits in all 4 areas & they were amazingly tame , i remember there being a chair in the run & the chaps mother said he spent all his spare time in there with the kits , he even devised a real easy way for his elderly mom to fed the kits with out her having to go in there & maybe get tripped up .


He had records of all the jills , what kits each jill had given birth to , all in all it was brilliant & i came away with 2 albino kits from 2 litters , and a rabbit for there tea :laugh: they were around the ten week mark when i got them , i rang him 3 weeeks later & he had homed all the ones he didnt want to hold back for rabbiting , i dont think he would have a problem homing kits fullstop they were in superb condition as were the adults a credit to him.


A far cry from some of the shit holes i later ended up going fetching ferrets from in later years , where even basics were scarse sadly :censored: like food

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My kitts are 6 weeks old and im just thinking about taking the jill away and putting them in a hutch themselves for another month , if i go to see a litter of kitts i expect them to be climbing about the cage not sitting in a heap which that ladies 4 week old kitts would do


You can see whats going to happen someboys going to see them ,think how cute they are just crawling about come away with one or two them in a months time when there racing about the hutch think what the feck and dump them

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