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Thinking of getting a Scorpion T10

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hi all, i am hoping to get a scorpion t10 in a few weeks, as i have heard good things about them,


but me being an alien(left handed) i am just wondering if the stock will be to awkward for me, i have held a right handed AA s410 and the cheek piece was to sharp so not good for me.


so will i need to try find a left handed version or will it be ok in the right handed stock?


also, what bi pod will fit this rifle,

and will weirauch silencers fit on this?



sorry for all the questions but i dont want to make a mistake


here is a link http://www.shootingshack.com/bsa-scorpion-t10-1226-p.asp


p.s. i am thinking of buying it in .177, i have never been a fan of .177 but apparantly it will be better for the longer shots?


thanks for any advice.



Mark Smith

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i have just been told that this gun is not avalible with a left handed stock and it will be very awkward to use for a lefty?


so why on earth is the description ''Hand-filling ‘Bolas’ bolt-handle can be reversed to suit left-handed shooters.''


when the stock is horrible for leftys.


should i get this gun or is there a better choice for a lefty?

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Hi mate just looked at the cheek peice on the stock, Very comfy for right handers almost deadly for leftys hahahaha!! Sorry man!!


Just to answer your other questions, I have fitted a harris bipod on my gun as it comes with front and rear studs. And The barrel is threaded 1/2" UNF So any threaded silencer will fit.


Here is a pic of the cheek peice, as you can see on the left side its nice and rounded but on the right side it is just a point almost!!


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  LOGUNSOLO177 said:
Hi mate just looked at the cheek peice on the stock, Very comfy for right handers almost deadly for leftys hahahaha!! Sorry man!!


Just to answer your other questions, I have fitted a harris bipod on my gun as it comes with front and rear studs. And The barrel is threaded 1/2" UNF So any threaded silencer will fit.


Here is a pic of the cheek peice, as you can see on the left side its nice and rounded but on the right side it is just a point almost!!


thanks for that logun, i have been advised i could get a cheeck piece made for the stock, but dont know what companies would do this?


or i was thinking i could use some foam and wrapped up with scrim net, but it would look terrible.



i really wanted this rifle, i dont see why they dont make all guns ambi.

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Yea i know mate They could of made this stock ambi easily!!! This is a good gun mate but there is better out there so I would not get to dishartened!! Let me know what you plan to do mate and I am here to answer any other questions you have about this gun!!! :gunsmilie:

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  johnnyboy28 said:
  mark01856 said:
i have found this site, might be able to make a cheek piece for me?





WHY This gun???/

There are much better guns which will suit your needs



i really don tknow, lol. i suppose i dont really want to get an aas400 as everyone has one.


What other guns do you suggest? because i am hoping to get one in a couple of weeks, prefferably synthetic stock

Edited by mark01856
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t10 ive read are great rifles mate bsa are really good ..

i went for the superten bullbarrel carbine no regrets great gun

build of bsa is great ... after sales amazing ..

i made list of rifles i liked the look of , then i tryed the rifles air arms,,, falcon ,, bsa , theoben ...

at then end i went for bsa fitted me the best ........ if it dont feel right leave it l.o.l

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t10 ive read are great rifles mate bsa are really good ..

i went for the superten bullbarrel carbine no regrets great gun

build of bsa is great ... after sales amazing ..

i made list of rifles i liked the look of , then i tryed the rifles air arms,,, falcon ,, bsa , theoben ...

at then end i went for bsa fitted me the best ........ if it dont feel right leave it l.o.l

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