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new pup

Guest lurcherboy2008

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Guest lurcherboy2008
Nice pups, look healthy enough, who did the terriors tail :icon_redface: .


the man i bought the pup off(dont know his name :whistling::whistling: , think the man was drunk when he did it :icon_eek::icon_eek:

Edited by lurcherboy2008
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Guest lurcherboy2008
hes a little cracker people... time will tell how BOSS turns out :friends:
not very good...b ok in beta hands tho


he sold in the welsh game fair, urs didn, i live near you, didnt buy a pup off you.........soon as my eyes set on this 1 he was mine, also i had the bro to your bitch you bred an he was some tool i know what your bitch come from and still didnt buy a pup off you even tho the father was awesome, why didnt i buy a pup off you? let me think :whistling::whistling: for a start your bitch hasnt caught 50 rabbits yet an shes now 2 year old, number 2, shes never gripped a fox just run by the side of it looking at it, number 3, havent caught a hare and number 4, the owner has been lamping for 6 months and knows everything now bring your 2 pups down later and compare it to this 1 then say whats best plus if hes shit and your pups are so good why you selling them all? money mad in you :whistling::whistling:

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Guest lurcherboy2008

forgot to mention hes 10 weeks old hell be walked round the block 1ce/2ce a day unlike the bitch you got for sale on here 10 weeks old walking for 6 hours behind mine and jo's terriers and at the end of the day shed all cramp up on the back end, why walk her so far at tha age? ill also put this pup over my PROVEN bitch if he comes to anything unlike you breedng out of a bitch that hasn't done hardly feckall, and if i have pups ill sort the boys out for 1 by giving it to them or call it £10 each to cover food costs unlike you sell to anyone for £100 or more and mine will ALL be going to working homes unlike yours too :thumbdown:

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Guest lurcherboy2008
forgot to mention hes 10 weeks old hell be walked round the block 1ce/2ce a day unlike the bitch you got for sale on here 10 weeks old walking for 6 hours behind mine and jo's terriers and at the end of the day shed all cramp up on the back end, why walk her so far at tha age? ill also put this pup over my PROVEN bitch if he comes to anything unlike you breedng out of a bitch that hasn't done hardly feckall, and if i have pups ill sort the boys out for 1 by giving it to them or call it £10 each to cover food costs unlike you sell to anyone for £100 or more and mine will ALL be going to working homes unlike yours too :thumbdown:

u silly c**t whos dogs jus been out ad 2 pussy.s f****n smashed the 2 ov them 2 bits????????mine butty....we.ll c [bANNED TEXT] the mangy c**t avs them...


you bewty........

Edited by lurcherboy2008
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  • 2 weeks later...
pics of the pup










What a crackin looking pup, if that dog hunts as well as it looks your freezer will be permenantly full and you`ll never see the inside of a butchers shop again,

All the best with him.


Yis Mars.

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Guest lurcherboy2008
pics of the pup










What a crackin looking pup, if that dog hunts as well as it looks your freezer will be permenantly full and you`ll never see the inside of a butchers shop again,

All the best with him.


Yis Mars.


freezer is always full anyway as my other lurcher fills it pretty fast also a few ferreted bunnies go in there, but im thinking of buying another chest freezer last year could of filled a few with the amount of bunnies i had ill take a few pics of him in the morning speak nice to 1 of my mates and ask them to put them on here for me, thanks by the way :thumbs:

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