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2 Hours shooting

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Just thought I'd post photos of my best evenings shooting so far.

One of my customers owns an old military station which consists of 14 acres

of fenced in, and razor wired land, with his bungalow in the middle.

(No military buildings exist on it anymore)

He comes into work last week complaining of his rabbit problem, jokingly (but realy meaning it)

I say "let me come and bring my air rifle and blat some for you!" :whistling: "Anytime Andy" he says. :boogie: RESULT!!

So that evening I spend two hours wandering arround and get 12 rabbits. :thumbs::gunsmilie:


Everything I aimed at I hit (Never usually that easy :wallbash: )

I even took one at 52yds, with my trusty springer, and with a cross wind (well more a slight breeze really! :whistling: )

Anyway, here are a couple of photos.

The second picture is the 52yarder, hit straight between the eyes and out the bach of his neck!



As they say "it's not always what you know, but who you know" :thumbs:

I know of people that have been trying for permission there for years but to no avail.

It certianly helps knowing the landowner, and helping him with some free welding from time to time :thumbs:

(small price to pay :angel: )



Thanks must go to my mate Mole catcher for all of his advice and his continuing help in teaching me how

to hunt :gunsmilie: , Cheers mate!


Andy :drink:

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well done andy, good shooting. :victory:


your right what you say about that bit of land you have there, ideal for air rifle shooting with plenty of rabbits. Its good to see your marksmanship is improving, unlike mine on our last trip out :whistling:

Dont forget we have to sort out those rabbits on those horse paddocks as well as those in that cherry orchid so make a date.

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