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how do you want to go?

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Mmmmm well my ole man died before 55 and so did his, spooky thing is they both died on the same date 10th december, obviously different year, so i'm 43 this december...not long left by my calculations.....back to the question...probably with a cracking blonde bird sitting on me face in a nurses uniform in say about 11- 12 years time....a different meaning to a ventilator lets say.... :whistling::whistling:

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My old dad knew the exact date and time of his death.................The Judge Told Him.


Seriously............As long as I had told my nearest and dearest how much i loved them and all arrangements had been made for the care of my animals.............Then i would love to go on a wild and windy night in some remote place struggling to carry the 100 rabbits i had just taken in the long net.........wonderful. ;)



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i dont want to be kept alive just let me go with a bit of dignity ,then just cremated no service or anything like that as i'm an atheist dont believe in god or the devil , they can toss my ashes anywhere they like , dont want no wake where people all gather around saying what a great bloke i was in life when they really think what an asshole.Thats my wishes and there all written down lol .Am i a misserable ba*tard ? no just how i want it to be .

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Same for me as Midnight walker just hope its at the time of the rut so i can hear the stags roar as i go. then cremated and chucked back on the hill.


Dont think your miserable at all Scar better to have loved ones know what you want aint it. And as for the wake well i dont want noone either mourning or celebrating that ive gone (more like celebrating me thinks! lol)


Loads think i am either an eccentric or foul mouthed gobby cow whilst im still on this mortal coil feck knows what theyd say when i slip off it!


And if i had a gravestone which i wouldnt cos id been burned it would read "my body lies but still i roam" taken from metallica

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Guest lurcherboy2008
i want to be buried at sea :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

Welsh flag, Male voice Choir, Quick sing-song, Plop! In with the jellyfish, Good night f**king Irene! :laugh:



maltenby knows the score, theres nothing better than a male choir :laugh::laugh: p.s i forgot sea burials are illegal :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:

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i want to be buried at sea :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

Welsh flag, Male voice Choir, Quick sing-song, Plop! In with the jellyfish, Good night f**king Irene! :laugh:



maltenby knows the score, theres nothing better than a male choir :laugh::laugh: p.s i forgot sea burials are illegal :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:

...... "There's nothing wrong with cremation!" :laugh:


Got to be the funniest film ever! :thumbs:

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Ive told 'er indoors i want a viking funeral! I want to be doused in petrol , dumped in a raft and set out to sea alight from the local jetty!!


don't give her any ideas or pee her off, just tell her to make sure your a gonna before she hits the lighter fuid :whistling:

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