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how do you want to go?

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My bosses dad died last night and it got me to thinking ... how do you want to go? He was in his mid 80's, had been in an assisted living care facility for a year in his hometown 3 hours away from his sons, had a catheter, couldn't wipe his ass himself, couldn't hear, and was basically just waiting to die. I also have a client whose 19 year old son was killed in a car wreck Sunday. So pardon the gruesome topic!


I have standing instructions for my family to pull the plug if I'm a veg or help me end it if I was paralyzed or something, I'd rather not be around than have a terrible quality of life, plug me like I was an old dog rather than let me fester. Of course watching my mom waste away for 3 years after 2 craniotomies and several other horrible procedures when I was a teenager probably has a lot to do with my opinion on that!


But I also wonder sometimes if I'd want to know when I was going to die if I was given the choice ... what if we all knew our end time? We could plan our lives and live every day, rather than living each day, working, going through the daily grind not knowing if it would be our last or if we had another 75 years. Would you plan the "trip of a lifetime", budget your finances so you could enjoy, that sort of thing. I still wonder, I've not made up my mind if I'd want to know. BUT I am leaning towards yes rather than no.


What about you?

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I wanna go like Brad Pit, in that film, "Legends of the Falls"...have a crazy life, get fairly old (but still fully functional!) then get killed in a fight with a bear...


I dont wanna be burried or cremated...i would rather just be left in the woods, and let nature do what it does with bodys...feed animals, then turn into compost...the way things do in the wild.



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shovel in one hand and a can of carlsberg in the other with both my kids taking the piss out of me for being an old b*****d. :clapper::clapper: kids asked me the other day [bANNED TEXT] a will was ,when i told them the daughter said can i leave her the locator.cheek or [bANNED TEXT].

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I want to go peacefully in my sleep, like my Grandad did.















Not screaming, like all the passengers in his car :laugh:

:clapper: :clapper: You beat me to it! :laugh:



It was the drink that killed my Grandfather................








.................He was run over by a Guinness truck! :laugh:

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Guest lurchers n lamps
I would like to go in a high speed car crash idealy in a DB9 were only i got killed no one else involved. Or being suffercated during a swedish lesbian mass orgy.

sounds good but the car would have to be on fire goin off a cliff

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