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fresh water eels

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hi all

going out friday night fishing for fresh water eels on lough neagh, what is the best bait to use and best hook size :icon_re


cheers davie1


we used to catch them accidentally with worms with small hooks fishing for trout. The hook goes half way down them anyway, so maybe small hooks are better.

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hi all

going out friday night fishing for fresh water eels on lough neagh, what is the best bait to use and best hook size :icon_re


cheers davie1


we used to catch them accidentally with worms with small hooks fishing for trout. The hook goes half way down them anyway, so maybe small hooks are better.

What the f..k are you talking about pal! You will kill them!! Use a large hook with a blocker on it, as not to deep hook them!!!

Is this guy for real!



Best baits pal, depends on the size of eel you are looking for?? If your a specimen hunter, use full roach, roach head, or big bunches of worms. You could live bait for them just under the surface, let me know ow you get on, and dont listen to no t.ts!


A 5lb eel is 50yrs old!!

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In our lakes in Essex the eels have been caught over 8lb

mostly when using dead baits for the cats and alot of them fall to bollies

i think big eels needs a static bait go for half a roach as the man said up to around 4 or 5" long

big hooks to prevent them swallowing

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biggest iv caght was about 4.5 , 5 lbs it was huge and like white couloured with bigger eyes i think it was a cross breed not a regular yellow eel it was really fat aswell i liked it :p me and my mate stu cooked it on the fire it was nice

Are you trying to be smart ferreter!!! a 5lb eel is 50 years old son! I surgest you read up before you kill everything!! Or admit to killing things that are as old as your father!

Edited by runforyourlife
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biggest iv caght was about 4.5 , 5 lbs it was huge and like white couloured with bigger eyes i think it was a cross breed not a regular yellow eel it was really fat aswell i liked it :p me and my mate stu cooked it on the fire it was nice
crossbreed with what ,a gardenhose :tongue2:
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Yeh gotta agree, I also release any eels I catch nowadays even though they're nice to eat.

I've had good size eels while dead baiting for pike and worms works too. A dark wet night is hard to beat.

The eel bobbin was made out of thick darning wool threaded though worms and about six foot long. Looped in half and repeated 'till about a foot long and looks like rabbit guts. And does work.

But as a big eel could be a century old the big ones should be put back.

Two friends of mine used to long line them at night and regularly earned £1000 a night and that was a few years back.

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Guest bigredbusa
Are you trying to be smart ferreter!!! a 5lb eel is 50 years old son! I surgest you read up before you kill everything!! Or admit to killing things that are as old as your father!


but you are allowed to eat eels arnt you ?

whats worse gordon ramsey eating bundles of elvers or eating one bigun .


geniune question as i have had cooked up a few around 3lb but that was a few years ago and i know they are not in the numbers they used to be so dont bother much these days .


last one i caught was on a live bait for pike , i grabbed hold of it and it slipped through my hand and i got two trebles stuck in my finger lol the father in law had to keep it still while i cut the barbs off :) a bit of pay back i be thinking .

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I have a great method of catching eels,but dont see the point nowadays,I dont eat them,and am not in it for the money,I actually lamped a big eel last year in a shallow river,watched it for a while :victory:

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biggest iv caght was about 4.5 , 5 lbs it was huge and like white couloured with bigger eyes i think it was a cross breed not a regular yellow eel it was really fat aswell i liked it :p me and my mate stu cooked it on the fire it was nice


The eel is a fish i have the greatest respect for. Wilrenny, at least you ate the eel rather than throwing it down the banking like some wankers i have seen. :angry: . I have nothing against people that kill quarry as long as its put to good use. The eels that live in still waters are the ones that grow large. They are often more "silver" coloured than the small river eels (though not as silver as when the eels are migrating). I have fished for the stillwater eels for over a decade now and have had some good time, though blanks as well. Deadbait gudgeon was always a favourite, as well as the univeral lobworm, though i once got a good lump of an eel on half a skimmer bream!!!!

At night the eels come right into the margins..why? because this is where most of their small fish prey will be. In the daytime , however , i have had most success in the deeper areas. I always use barbless hooks and strike immediatly.


For many year the eels record was deamed "unbeatable" but now with the eels taking a liking to the HNV baits i should imagine the record may be broken one day.

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Are you trying to be smart ferreter!!! a 5lb eel is 50 years old son! I surgest you read up before you kill everything!! Or admit to killing things that are as old as your father!


but you are allowed to eat eels arnt you ?

whats worse gordon ramsey eating bundles of elvers or eating one bigun .


geniune question as i have had cooked up a few around 3lb but that was a few years ago and i know they are not in the numbers they used to be so dont bother much these days .


last one i caught was on a live bait for pike , i grabbed hold of it and it slipped through my hand and i got two trebles stuck in my finger lol the father in law had to keep it still while i cut the barbs off :) a bit of pay back i be thinking .



Hiya bigred, again, you ok...i have had 3 eels over 5lb. 2 were just over, one from a deep nwest still water on a raoch head. The otherfrom a scottish loch, caught on Eel tackle with a live roach. My best went 7lb 2oz, and i must admit i will never beat it...


As for elvers being caught and eaten, they are a far far cry from a specimen eel. Put it like this, a elver would taste like a lamb, as a 5lb+ eel would taste like an old dying shitty arsed :gunsmilie: sheep!!

Elvers are fished for and eaten all over the world, and when they start out there are millions upon milions of them. ALL of which are washed in from the spawning grounds of the saragasa sea.

Imagine the time a big eel has to survive! dodging everything in the water and on the land, so that they dont get eaten. Cross land, then enter a water were if there are no other pike, can live a peaceful life(unless some heartless bast..d comes along and kills it) till something in its mind triggers it to go off and spawn far away in the saragasa sea!

This eel might be 80years old, yet one days it leaves the water were in entered, detects the nearest water route and off it goes, travelling 1000's upon 1000's of miles to get to it spawning grounds. It does it rictual then dies!!


I will say one thing here, dont kill big eels. They might stink, be slimmy, riggley and snake like, but there life is so secretive yet so hash. I think that if i saw anybody hacking an eel the size of my personnal best, i would take a bank stick and beat them like they were doing the eel.... Cheers :gunsmilie::gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

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Guest bigredbusa

well i know about the life cycle of an eel but thanks for the update :) eel stocks are down to something like 20% compaired a few years ago and seems to be the over fishing of elvers . everyone knows they are in trouble but still go for the young elvers ? i dont get it :(

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Good to see most agree, put the big ones back. And JD I agree, strike immediately.

The biggest I had was when I missed a run on a dead bait roach for a pike. I reeled in and all that was left was the head and guts. My daughter was roach fishing and got a tangle so I just flung the roach head and guts into the shallows while I helped my daughter. I got a bite which resulted in an eel just short of 4 lbs. Brilliant. Can't understand why some anglers hate them.

A friend of mine last year had an eel cooked for him in cider by an English man.

Anyone know this recipe?

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