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fur value

Guest friedrice

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is there any profit to be made from fur in the uk. mink,fox etc.



Used to. Not sure now. Most money was made by selling to a taxidermist! About £6 per fox that was around 25 years ago though...



Yep I'll agree with that, I was getting up to £5 for fox skins in the 70's, mind I never got that, it was their top price, mostly £1 or £2 and some we got nothing for. My mate ,a keeper got top price for a black tipped bright red long haired fox skin, it was a strikingly beautiful skin. I don't think they are worth much now. One guy I know puts skinned tails on ebay and people sometimes pay daft money for them.

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Guest friedrice

ive seen 2" square patches of mink fur in a tackle shop for £3. fly men use strips of it to make a fly called the minkie ive been told.

the same size fox fur also at the same price :hmm: how many 2" bits can you get off say a fox pelt and how mutch would a whole skin cost the fly tyer at £0.75 per square ".

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i have recently been aproched about rabbit skins, but in winter, between 60p and £1 each , its somthing i will be looking in to in more detail after september.


only problem is the skins need to be in one piece, where as i skin in two halves, but if they do fetch as much as a £1 i will change my ways

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Maybe if the food prices continue to increase people will return to good old rabbit/pigeon pie.


I used to get 50p a pound for rabbit meat, £2.10 per pound for salmon and seatrout, 25p a tail for stoats, (we had no grey squirrels back then). And UP to 40p per pigeon from the local game factory. I recently asked about current prices and was told 20p each!


If the meat is worthless then the skins are too. How many of us would skin and cure mole skins or fox skins now for a market? Not I.



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I process all my rabbits now into pet mince, vacuum pack it and sell it for £1.75 - £2.00 kilo. The local farm shops sell it. Even the game dealer still pays £1.00 each gutted - head shot or ferreted. Also I have started tanning the rabbit furs myself, have you seen the price they sell for at the shows around £6.50 or £9.00 if it has velcro to wrap arond a dummy.



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