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you might find the landing net is longer around, but that wont mater.


there is other stuff you can use. a hessian sack , but it would look cheap. or perhaps one of those old army kit bags , there thik canvas, a bit long , but cut it in half , half way up . i think that would look and work well.

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measure around the circumfrance (top) and work out how deep you want it, drop me a pm with your name and address and I'll send you the correct netting, FOC

and you'll just need to stich it on :thumbs:



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measure around the circumfrance (top) and work out how deep you want it, drop me a pm with your name and address and I'll send you the correct netting, FOC

and you'll just need to stich it on :thumbs:



Thats brilliant Stubby, the circumference is 58 inches, and I could do with it about 16 inches deep, let me know what it costs inc p+p and Iwill gladly reimburse you, many thanks again GINGER DAVE, PS I will pm you with my name and address.
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hope them eyes don't stick in yer chest/gut, might get a bit uncomfortable, should have had them outward or do they sit down your sides, otherwise not a bad looking basket, pick a secondhand net up at a bootsale will save you some pennies...
Tried it with the strap and it works really well, the net for the basket is sorted, thanks to STUBBY, regards DAVE
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DSCF0003.jpg Just finished fabricating my quickset basket frame, can anyone recommend what type of netting to use for the actual basket and the best way to attach it, regards GINGER DAVE.




top job !


how much were the materials & how long to put it together ?


because at that standard theres no reason why you couldnt start supplying them.




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The materials to make the actual frame cost me nothing, apart from a couple of welding rods and a tin of spray paint from the pound shop, the strap is made from a car seat belt, the actual net is being supplied by Stubby on here, SOUND BLOKE, so really the cost is minimal. It is amazing what you can put together when you put your mind to it,as for making them to sell, to me it is just a hobby, Iam making one for the young lad across the way tommorow who is getting into ferreting and very keen, regards DAVE

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