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Pulled by Police

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  longdogrunner said:
  jultaylor1972 said:
  longdogrunner said:
Some of jultaylors permission is on very public land, but for the council and we've had probs with it several times...... the police knocking on my door on xmas eve was a classic!!! we even managed to get pics of one woman on the phone reporting us!!!!! i'll see if she's got it, f*****g classic!!!! bottom line is, if you aint breaking the law they cant touch you......

LDR, can you remember that woman who came down the field we were ferreting screaming at us??!! On that ocassion we didnt have permission to be there but it was a genuine mistake on my behalf - I had just crossed the border of my permission by about 1 metre!, a couple of phone calls later though and I had written permission to be there, the land owner was furious that we had been told to get off the land and told us to go there anytime we wanted to do rabbit control, he even asked for a description of the woman so he could go and give her a piece of his mind! Since that incident I have been very careful NOT to go onto land that isnt mine, LDR has educated me on map reading and has outlined my permission maps with a highlighter pen :laugh:



totally forgot about her!!!! like the old saying goes... he who laughs last, laughs longest!!!!! as for your map reading skills........... :blink::blink::blink: ........ :laugh::laugh::laugh:

:icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: I cant deny it! Im very blond when it comes to those things!! :laugh:

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  jultaylor1972 said:
  longdogrunner said:
  jultaylor1972 said:
  longdogrunner said:
Some of jultaylors permission is on very public land, but for the council and we've had probs with it several times...... the police knocking on my door on xmas eve was a classic!!! we even managed to get pics of one woman on the phone reporting us!!!!! i'll see if she's got it, f*****g classic!!!! bottom line is, if you aint breaking the law they cant touch you......

LDR, can you remember that woman who came down the field we were ferreting screaming at us??!! On that ocassion we didnt have permission to be there but it was a genuine mistake on my behalf - I had just crossed the border of my permission by about 1 metre!, a couple of phone calls later though and I had written permission to be there, the land owner was furious that we had been told to get off the land and told us to go there anytime we wanted to do rabbit control, he even asked for a description of the woman so he could go and give her a piece of his mind! Since that incident I have been very careful NOT to go onto land that isnt mine, LDR has educated me on map reading and has outlined my permission maps with a highlighter pen :laugh:



totally forgot about her!!!! like the old saying goes... he who laughs last, laughs longest!!!!! as for your map reading skills........... :blink::blink::blink: ........ :laugh::laugh::laugh:

:icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: I cant deny it! Im very blond when it comes to those things!! :laugh:



have you still got the picture of that woman on the phone reporting us for ferreting???

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  • 2 months later...

i get alot of abuse from school gettin called a murdering cruel b*****d but when am oot workin folk just watch and usually ask for rabbit for the pot which i give them only had one complaint against me a was walkin home from collecting traps and snares and the police stopped me asking if i was poaching and i didnt have my permissin slip so i had to gan to the land owners house and ask him if i had permission and i did soon as they got me home they never apologised ignorant b******s

Edited by the ferretman 2k8
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  Matt the Rat said:
Its just a thought, but most modern mobile phones are capable of sound recording aren't they? Why not record the abuse and then report them. The recording will not be able to be used in court, but it will demonstrate to a senior police officer that you have been the subject of 'threatening behaviour'.


I would complain about the officers concerned as well. There are laws in this country which prevent the unlawful interference with legal activities....


Be polite tell them you have permission to be there and you are carrying out a legal activity. Film the abuse / threats on your mobile and ring local plod ASAP. If they have wandered off the public footpath to verbally abuse you or threaten you make this point out to the plod. The sticks they wave round could be seen as weapons causing you alarm and distress. Best to play and beat these to$$ers at thier own game. :wallbash:

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i was out ferreting once on land where ive got permission, some bloke walking by give us a load of abuse, about 5 mins later the police turned up and said they hed a report of badger digging! i asked if they wanted to see my terriers, they did so i went to my ferret box and produced the 2 small gills i had with me, needless to say they left me alone to get on with what i was doing :icon_redface: .

i also had some trouble lamping on one of the golf courses i do pest control for.

i think you need to write a letter to the police asking them to confirm in writing just what you are allowed to do on the land where you have permission. keep the letter to hand to produce if it happens again.

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Guest michael.hudson7
  jultaylor1972 said:
  Ditch_Shitter said:
  smudgersmith said:
I will just keep clear of the usual ramblers paths. :censored: it maybe better me thinks.



No, mate. You get right on with doing what ye legally there for. As, when and where ye see fit. Some toss pots in bobble hats turn up? Keep right on doing what ye doing. They're bound to lose it. Then You phone in and report Them for verbal abuse. Police either come out and deal with it, for you, or they don't come out for any c***. Can't have two sets of rules, can they? And don't forget; One of those 'walking stick' things they gave these days could appear quite threatening to ye, being held by some idiot who's going red in the face as he screams that you're a " murder ". Be sure to mention that concern to the Police too. Threatening Behaviour beats Verbal ;)


Play them at their own f*cking game!

:clapper::clapper: I totally agree there Ditch! Ive had people scream at me on some of my permission and it drives them round the bend if you stay polite and just smile. :yes:

I agree the best way to deal with these wa:censored:ers is be nice a polite.

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Guest michael.hudson7
  BlueCoyote said:
maybe hunters need to hang out in groups of three to four ..... its easy for those cowards to gang up on one person... but surely they wouldnt mess with three or four of you!


I had a mate lamping on land where he had permission when 2 antis give him a kicking, he had a whippet greyhound which took a few boots as well hate the fuc kers.

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  dogman89 said:
how many people were stabbed or shot over the weekend?


they should be doing something about that rather than pestering u for walking over fields



Well said, more botherd about trying to do us for legal activities(spell) than catch kids running around with guns and knives on streets at night.


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