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Got some chickens, I now want to get them ready for the table in my own time, should I restrict their diet or space?

& how long to purge them of feed and/if water before slaughter?


many thanks in advance.

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Im def no expert but this what my Dad used to do:


If enough room then allow them to free range until 3 weeks apx before slaughter. He then used to pen them and just give them normal rations. He never witheld water before slaughter but didnt feed them the night before.



We culled our young cockeral recently for the table and hed free ranged right up to day of cull and although he was very tasty (he was about 20weeks old) he was all leg and not much meat anywhere else. Not sure if that was because hed free ranged all that time or if it was the breed (wellsummer) but Dad reckoned i needed to pen him 3wks before.


Not sure if i was any help at all hopefully someone else will give you better advice!

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  • 1 month later...
Got some chickens, I now want to get them ready for the table in my own time, should I restrict their diet or space?

& how long to purge them of feed and/if water before slaughter?


many thanks in advance.


This might be of some help.Really depends on breed as to how meaty the birds get.If they have the genetics they will grow well free range or penned . I always starve the birds 24 to 48 hours before killing ,but keep water available all the time.Starving for this time makes guuting easier and cleaner.If your birds are just average chickens then a feww weeks penned with ad-lib feed should finish them.Might not look as meaty as supermarket birds butwill be different taste ,colour and texture.Hope this helps

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i noticed that about eating yard bird.... textures and colours..... seemed it was all dark meat! leggy and tough... but those were roosters about 11 months old... and two were bantams....


i have two more bantams running around out there - born some time around last week of March or First Week of April.. i guess i need to do something with them now or never. they dont get much bigger than they already are!

i'm going to go the route of catching and cooping them though!

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