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first time out next week

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as it says hopefully im going ferreting . ive got ferrets, carry box , spade , locator ,nets , russell for marking holes i hope !! but a few questions . any thing else i'll need ??? and if i get manage to catch any rabbits once i've dispatched them whats the easiest way to gut them ???

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stand a foot on rabbits front paws, pull downwards on the fur around the rib cage to stretch the skin, make a nick with your knife at bottom of rib cage, still standing on paws, insert finger into the knife hole and pull downwards towards back feet, this will pull the fur from the belly skin, another knife nick same as before through the skin, and same pulling motion, will expose the guts, this can all be done in around 10 secs, now hold front and rear legs, bend rabbit backwards, and "flick" everything (guts) out, you may need to pinch the stomach and pull that out, but dont throw the liver or kidneys away, one clean rabbit


make sure you "piss" them as you catch them, pressure with thumb between the legs will moving thumb downwards


dont gut untill 10 minutes before coming home, or you'll have flies everywhere


magwitch's way is brill, but practise on little ones, unless "squeezed" correctly the stomach can pop inside, leaving a lovely mess on the meat :icon_redface:

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as it says hopefully im going ferreting . ive got ferrets, carry box , spade , locator ,nets , russell for marking holes i hope !! but a few questions . any thing else i'll need ??? and if i get manage to catch any rabbits once i've dispatched them whats the easiest way to gut them ???

some sugar and lucazade as your sure to need energy with the amount of digging this year lol, and some secetures, loads of undergrowth

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Guest Magwitch
I'll have to try that type of gutting! Do you need to widen the 'O' ring any, or just squeeze till it blows out by itself? :laugh:


it comes out the skin on the leg not its pooper :laugh:

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I got 32 on my new permission last monday which is as you say like a bowling green. 28 out of a ten hole burrow in the middle of a paddock with 8 out of a stop end :notworthy: . The ferrets minds were on other things though.

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thanks guys , aint got no one to show me so i need all help i can get here !!! also another stupid question , do i have to peg every net ???



Yes but unless all the holes are cleare you will end up wrapping the drawcord round brambles ect but as long as it will hold a rabbit it will be fine

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