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Mole Trapping This Morning

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Rolfe, I nailed a mole in the Talpex today. I had set it a few times in some runs where the mole happened not to return to, so there was some delay in getting this guy, but the first time he came back through the set, the Talpex got him cleanly.


One thing I noticed is that there really isn't all that much difference between filling the opened run with soil and pushing the trap down into the soil(like I do with the Out-o-sights), and placing the set trap in the cleaned out run and then filling in over the trap with loose soil(as you do with the Talpex). The soil still filters down around the trigger and jaws, and you wind up with much the same set. Maybe the soil under the trigger is a little less compacted the way you do it, which is a good thing.


I do see some definite advantages of the Talpex over the Out-o-sight.


First of all the trap is much lighter, and if you have to carry around 10 mole traps in a bucket, that's important.


Second, I think the Talpex has just about the right amount of power to it, whereas I've always felt that the out-o-sight has a more powerful spring that it really needs, which adversely affects trigger sensitivity, and also make is dangerous in terms of liability to kids. Also, you don't need pry bars to set it, as you do with the Out-o-sight.


Even though the Talpex is basically a clone of the Out-o-sight, it's clear that someone put a great deal of thought into the design and production of the trap. I think it's a great trap.

Thanks for the update Steve........glad to know you got him 1st time. Yes i would agree with your observations about filling in around the traps and i can see the logic in both methods. I use the Talpex as my Ist choice trap nowadays as it simply produces the most consistant results.


Regards Rolfe.

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Rolfe, what do those Talpex traps cost in UK?


Also, I see the trap pictured below for sale on ebay. Is this a Chinese imitation of the Talpex, and if so, how well made are they, and how well do they work?

Steve..........they are absolute crap mate........useless in fact........yes they will catch moles but they are very poorly made and are a poor imatation of the real thing. The spring.........if you look carefully........is a lot weaker than the true talpex.......about half the strength........just look at the loose coils.

The Talpex in the UK is about £6.00..........which is about $11.9677 in your money (each)



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actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil.


And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol.


Cheers Rolfe :victory:



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actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil.


And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol.


Cheers Rolfe :victory:



Another satisfied customer..........yeah with practice you can make it work in most soils if you back-fill the trap using the soil from a nearby mole hill........Well done anyway.





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actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil.


And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol.


Cheers Rolfe :victory:



Another satisfied customer..........yeah with practice you can make it work in most soils if you back-fill the trap using the soil from a nearby mole hill........Well done anyway.






hardly rolfes way , this method has bin used in the states for years to set out o sight traps , search the web for moletrapping in the usa and there loads of stuff, i showed it in my moling tape a few years ago and gave credit to the yank trappers , why do people claim stuff as thier own ideas , when they just copy someone elses ?

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actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil.


And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol.


Cheers Rolfe :victory:



Another satisfied customer..........yeah with practice you can make it work in most soils if you back-fill the trap using the soil from a nearby mole hill........Well done anyway.






hardly rolfes way , this method has bin used in the states for years to set out o sight traps , search the web for moletrapping in the usa and there loads of stuff, i showed it in my moling tape a few years ago and gave credit to the yank trappers , why do people claim stuff as thier own ideas , when they just copy someone elses ?

Sorry..........i don't ever remember claiming it was my idea.........would you care to elaborate. :angry:

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actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil.


And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol.


Cheers Rolfe :victory:



Another satisfied customer..........yeah with practice you can make it work in most soils if you back-fill the trap using the soil from a nearby mole hill........Well done anyway.






hardly rolfes way , this method has bin used in the states for years to set out o sight traps , search the web for moletrapping in the usa and there loads of stuff, i showed it in my moling tape a few years ago and gave credit to the yank trappers , why do people claim stuff as thier own ideas , when they just copy someone elses ?

Sorry..........i don't ever remember claiming it was my idea.........would you care to elaborate. :angry:


bry said , "rolfes way " you said "another satisfied customer" , if thats not a claim , then what is ?

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actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil.


And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol.


Cheers Rolfe :victory:



Another satisfied customer..........yeah with practice you can make it work in most soils if you back-fill the trap using the soil from a nearby mole hill........Well done anyway.






hardly rolfes way , this method has bin used in the states for years to set out o sight traps , search the web for moletrapping in the usa and there loads of stuff, i showed it in my moling tape a few years ago and gave credit to the yank trappers , why do people claim stuff as thier own ideas , when they just copy someone elses ?

Sorry..........i don't ever remember claiming it was my idea.........would you care to elaborate. :angry:


bry said , "rolfes way " you said "another satisfied customer" , if thats not a claim , then what is ?

Was refering to the client he caught the mole for Mate.........I have NEVER EVER claimed it was any idea of mine....Period. If you want to read something into other peoples comments and come up with something other than what was intended ...... thats up to you!

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