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Things you wish you never got rid of !!

Guest buster321c

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For the Scots lads the thing they regret getting rid of will be every £1 they ever spent...........lol :toast:


:clapper: Aye and theres a nasty rumour that copper wire was invented by two scots lads fighting over a penny :D



Nice one :clapper:

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She always promised me that if I went back to Vienna with her I could have a rumpy-pumpy session with her and an ex-girlfriend of hers who was reputedly well-endowed in the mammary dept,sadly I never took her up on the offer :no:

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I regret not keeping the boxes for all my toys, which are now worth a chuffin fortune.


I regret not keeping all utillity bills for the last ten years, as i'm sure, even given a 300% pay rise in that time, i'm still worse off and cant work out why?


I wish i had kept my first guns, especially my B/A .410, as my kids would love it now.


I wish i had kept first Landrover, as currently it would be free to tax, mines due this month and the scammers rekon they want £400.


I wish i had kept my first house, as it only cost me £40,000, i'm paying £12000 a year in mortgage now.


I 've only just started, there will be more!!!

Matt :no:

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i once bought a pair of ziess bionoculars from a guy for 200 note then sold them back to him 3years later for the same.i have regreted that ever since they were ziess bgat 10*40.i just needed the cash job fell through ect.i just know i will never aford them again :(

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As a kid I was obsessed with Star Wars and had all the figures, space ships etc etc still boxed and when I got to 18 thought I'm too old for this and sold the lot to a mate for £50 and six months later it bacame all the rage again and I found out it was worth thousands............ :cry:

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