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antis realeasing call birds

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Cant stand the C**T`s they release the call bird smash the trap up why only if they understood i give up bollocking them now i just have a larson here and there for day or two so they dont find them.

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he got charged with breach of the peace on sunday, :victory: although when i spoke to the w c officer he said they had been charged under the wrong thing :thumbdown: (thats what you get when they send a pc out that didnt know what a larson trap was)... although b of p is classed as causing distress and annoyance (or similar) :hmm: got my letter through today with crime number etc for the case,

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Seems like straight, guy who unfortunatly stands by his convictions to an unacceptable degree. You did well t o report him and follow it up . . The positive purpose of Law is to protect everyone going about their reasonable everyday business and prevent unacceptable extreme behaviour.The police might not always take trap interference too seriously but if you keep making reports it makes their unsolved crime figures look very bad .If however only one person is responsible for all these similar crimes when they do eventually act and clear up several unsolved incidents in one go it is good result for the crime figures. Putting some sort of lock on a cage or pegging a trap means that it can only be interfered with by use of criminal damage which looks a lot worse in a crime report than "a missing magpie" or "trap thrown in hedge" . "Breach of the Peace "?, does'nt sound right . "Maybe behaviour likely to lead to a breach of the peace". Well done for getting him to Court though .It won't change the guy's opinions but it hopefully will teach him to stay within the Law just as you do with your trapping.

Edited by comanche
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nice one, now just a anonymous call to the press, local rag as it would make a change to see something in our favour for once..... :clapper:


See letter of the week in shooting times


whats it saying in the letter ??

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well the wildlife crime officer called, he said the officer dealing with it thought malishus mischief ( pardon my shit grammer ) was not a appropriate charge, thats why is was classed as a minor breach of the peace....and the case is and i quote " disposed of by the way of a formal caution" so at least its a satistic in our favour for a change but i get the feeling its just been brushed under the carpet, suprise suprise

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The chap won a pair of boots for writing about what you did.


"Larsen Trap Vandalism

I heard recently of the impending prosecution of a vandal in Scotland for releasing a magpie call bird from a larsen trap. With all the new rules regarding trap use, especially in Scotland, it's good to hear that these regulations work both ways. I think we should be doing more to inform people that a trap is there for a reason and must not be meddled with.


We heard so much twaddle spoken by the antis and I'm sure if this had been a case of a keeper not following the new regulations it would have been all over the media.


I'm glad the trap owner had the courage to report this incident and that the police took time required to investigate and prosecut. Perhaps the new laws aren't such a bad thing if they are causing the authorities to take more notice of such vandalism.



A. Rigby, Lancashire"

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Hi Ali,


Sorry to read you have had a load of hassle you don't need but glad the guy has gotten what he deserves and been charged with it !! might make him think next time he thinks he's "doing good " sounds like you went about everything the right way unlike him :thumbs:



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