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Just got me an old .22 air rifle, been out with it tonight and tried it on some bunnies and its loud as f**k. If i dont hit the first one in the field then all the others are gone and i dont get another shot and oi go home empty handed. Is there a way to decrease the sound? Sounds like a spring or something, but not too sure, 1st air rifle so Im a bit crap when it comes to them. ;)



Edited by theburlyblacksmith
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I once went out (poaching :icon_redface: )with a old poacher in the 90's, he brought a .22 bsa with a 2 litre bottle of pop (empty) on the end of the barrel!!!! I don't know what is was like without but fuxk me it went with a crack.

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  theburlyblacksmith said:
Iv got absolutly no idea, the guy who gave me it didnt know either. Its fairly old though... I'll put some pics up and hopefully some of you rifle buffs will be able to identify it ;)

until you get the photos up,is it side lever?under lever or break barrel,22 or 177,also does the butt have a rubber pad or is it just wood,look forward to seeing the photo

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BSA Supersport are very quiet for spring guns i'd buy another tmrw at the right price, very quiet (or was that just mine?) Sold in to a age'd chap fron down south that wanted it for target shooting. I've got a HW80 on top of the wardrobe (less stock) I keep saying i'm going to re-enstate it but my Air Arms allways says otherwise.

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