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cheers ditch,

have been looking at landywoods site they do loads of different stuff, goin to try and do some research first though as i have always fed dried food but i think raw is the way forward, will be getting a chest freezer as soon as one comes along then the fun can start :thumbs:



Landywoods website

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That same damn vet is, on the one hand, providing the very ingrediants for that 'oh so wonderful and nutricious' " Kibble " ~ it's called " Vet Kill ", by those in the know. She'll then be charging ye extortionate prices For the shit. Then she'll have You pay her mortgage for her by charging ye to look after that Dogs teeth and cardiovascular system, plus it's bum, pumping it full of useless and potentially lethal drugs every few years for the rest of its wretched 'DeSexed' existance and god alone knows what else as it rots to an early death of cancer - all thanks to listening to someone who makes their rich style living out of uninformed or blind animal keepers misery.


But take heart, mate. Ye here now and herein lies a rich source of Proper Information. Yes, it's a mine field of the simply opinionated. Those who'll tell ye how they've 'Always done it' and whose Dogs appear 'Fine'. But, if ye really dig around carefully, ye will come up with the handful of people here who put up properly cited, peer reviewed, unbiased scientific information. Exactly the sort of stuff that white coat won't ever want ye to see. And which probably the majority on here can't be arsed to read anyway, because they already " Know what's right."


Just what is your problem with vets, Dutch?


Yes, we charge people for our advice, time and services, after all, that's what they come to us for.

Yes, i have a mortgage to pay; I also have 9 staff to employ, rent and rates to pay on the premises, the bank overdraught and loan to keep up with, vehicles to run, electricity, phone, the tax man, the VAT man.....................

We're available 24 hours a day, all year. It takes 5 years to qualify, then you start learning......

People think they can call us in the middle of the night cos their cat is scratching itself.......

I can't buy the stock in cheaper than it's available on the internet!!


I have never seen a dog which i could say had become ill due to being fed a commercial diet.

I have never seen a dog "rot to death with cancer" due to treatment it's had. I've not noticed a significant difference in the incidence of tumours in vaccinated dogs compared to dogs that have never had a vaccination in their life. Seeing a dog once a year for a check up lets us pick up on things that may otherwise go unnoticed.


In response to another post - we're not animal nutritionists, but we have an understanding of animal nutrition;

Heart muscle has the wrong calcium/phosphorus ratio to be fed in any quantity; liver has a very high Vit A content, which can lead to problems. An imbalance in any diet can lead to problems.

I'm not saying that BARF isn't suitable, but it has to be taken into context - it's not the be all and end all that a vocal minority would have you think.


I work my arse off trying to keep my business going - as do the vast majority of vets.


Who are you to criticise that I do and what i advise??????



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In response to another post - we're not animal nutritionists, but we have an understanding of animal nutrition;



Hi Jim,


I believe it was me who said vets are not nutritionists, It wasn't meant as a critisism just a point. :thumbs: I too went to university and studied animal science and one area I did lot of research and assignment writing was on canine nutrition, this research included a lot of analysis into the commercial feeds and extended into the raw route and after trying it with one of my dogs that had never looked "right" regardless of the dry food tried. After switching to raw I noticed a dramatic improvement and I have seen this with many other dogs when the diet is changed. I would never switch back to dry but I think any dog owner should research the diet and make an educated decision :thumbs: I have also done lots of food trials in my profession and I have reared different litters of ferrets on a well known commercial diet compared to raw and again the coat, size and various other factors have been preferable in the animals when fed a raw diet.

I think people often choose the "easy" route rather than the method that works best for the dog, to me IMO BARF is the only way to go but this must be fed as a balanced diet which fulfills all teh dogs nutritional requirements.


Simon :thumbs:

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At the moment I'm wary of going raw, feel guilty feeding tinned and bagged and so am cooking proper dinners for 'em.... am I mad?


Stark raving bonkers :tongue2: Read Give your dog a bone by Ian Billighurst, hopefully it will shed some light on the situation.

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