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Book on general shooting

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As above. Im not one to do things half-heartedly. Im enjoying my shooting at the moment but want to learn more!

I know the general basics on trajectory, types of bullets, twist of barrel, calibres etc etc etc im presuming there is a few books on this for someone like myself. Which has the info but also puts it over so it can be understood?

cheers trappa

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What sort of shooting are you into Trappa?


There are many excellent books out there.


If you are foxing then, Robert Bucknells, Foxing with Lamp and Rifle is a must.


Rough Shooting, then, "Rough Shooting" by Mike Swan is good.


If you want a good read and a chuckle then Gameshooting in the 21st Century, by Giles Catchpole is a goodread.



SS :thumbs:

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SS, im not so much wanting to read about shooting tales and tips on shooting, more the technical stuff trajectory and im very interested in weight of bullet according to barrel twist, that sort of stuff ( but in laymans terms)!

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