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Cartridge Reloading

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Can anyone suggest a good starting point on cartridge reloading as i am going to be goin for a centrefire rifle in the very near future.


What books or online material can you suggest on reloading?

What about the equipment needed?

What would i be looking at money wise for the relading equipment?

Is a certain machine bought for a certain caliber or is it universal to take all types of cartridges?

Depending on how good you are at the reloading process what sort of pace can you set say for each hour of reloading?


Many Thanks



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I would start by going to the RCBS web site, you can google that name. On the site you will find reloading guides on how to do it step by step. A reloading press is universal for the most part as are the main components, like funnels and powder dispensers. However, you will need to get the correct die set for the calibre you are loading. I would recommend EBay as a starting point for getting reloading gear cheap and of reasonable quality. The main players in the reloading game are: RCBS and LYMAN, LEE as well but stay away from their dies. I personally use RCBS dies and a Lyman digital powder scale and electric case trimmer. RCBS gear is of the same quality but slightly more expensive. You can go with a manual scale and powder dispenser of course and I recommend this if you are just doing some casual loading and until you deciede if this really is for you. If you live in the USA look to Cabela's for reloading supplies or Midway USA as well. Again these sites are easily found on google.





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