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i spent a few months looking for work at the begining of the year and trust me on this, take the first job you can get what ever it is, and then try and better it, soon as yout ell someone at an interview your currently unemployed they dont want to know, tell them your in a crap job and your looking for a more challenging role or something along them lines and you'll stand a much better chance.


good luck :thumbs:

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Theone,clearing the undergrowth for next years ferreting,yeah thats a good way to pay the mortgage and car,its not like i sit on my arse all week long,im out and about looking and calling to people to see if anythings about.

very constructive advice speedlamper,you too assuming the idle unemployed,its not that i dont want a job,I CANT GET A JOB.Im working construction 30 years,but when times were bad i sold balloons :icon_redface: during christmass time as there was nothing else available,bloody soul destroying but i had to.i drove for a furniture company,i worked in an abbatoir i worked in a greyhound kennells.Just to show I'll do ANYTHING to earn a crust.my dogs are exhausted from being walked :clapper: but from the city its 20 quid anytime you got to drive into the country,all costs badly needed cash to have fun,lifes a bitch :laugh:

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