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Smithfields & Norfolks & Tumblers

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Skycat could your OH's bitch have been from the same little has my bitch, not 100 % sure but born around 1988


The 3 bitches in the pics I put up are all sisters: their grandsire was sired by a dog called Poser belonging to Anne Power of Burton-on-Trent. She never particularly claimed to breed for work, just to produce nice dogs, in her own words, but they and their progeny all have excellent strikes, field sense, hunting instinct and retrieve naturally.

I originally had a bitch from Anne's line which, if I remember rightly must have been born around the time you mention, but the litter I got her from had been bred by a woman in Broadway which I think is in Gloucestershire or nearby. :icon_redface: not good on English geography! Anway the sire was Anne's dog.


That makes it about as clear as mud! LOL


Oops! Just realised I misunderstood your question! Bit early in the morning for my brain to function properly, not that it ever does anyway :whistling: OH bought a dog pup from Douglas, but I'll have to wait until he comes in to ask him the exact breeding: I'll let you know later.

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Really interesting thread , Does anyone remember a guy called Aubrey Fryer ? , my ex OH had one of his dogs back in the late seventies , and it looked very similar to the dogs on this thread.

Wow Rabitin Girl you surley could have stired something up here. This is brilliant, come on Phil and the rest of you mooching, lurcher Men and Girls that could shed more light on this brilliant topic.

Regards Warren


:laugh::laugh: @ Warren... :thumbs:

I'm saying nowt

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just a thought but when discussing the old type lurchers do we put to much emphasis on the herding type side of the breeding surely the running dog of all those years ago would of been a much different animal than we see today with much more hunting instinct as it would of been a hunting dog rather than the out &out running machine we see today. ATB Pritch

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thats a good point pritch, i think enen in those old days lurchers were still bitsa's , rather than being a first cross all the time.


dont get me wrong im sure there were first crosses, but i bet on the hole lurchers were just that, LURCHERS.


I also remember an intresting article by the warrener in one of the mags, he put up some adverts of lurchers for sale, from the exchange and mart from about 100 year ago, and there was qite a few irish terrier crosses if my memory servs.


whatever the story is with the lurcher, i love em TOMO

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Guest warren
Really interesting thread , Does anyone remember a guy called Aubrey Fryer ? , my ex OH had one of his dogs back in the late seventies , and it looked very similar to the dogs on this thread.

Wow Rabitin Girl you surley could have stired something up here. This is brilliant, come on Phil and the rest of you mooching, lurcher Men and Girls that could shed more light on this brilliant topic.

Regards Warren


:laugh::laugh: @ Warren... :thumbs:

I'm saying nowt...I'm too fat,..my fighting days are over... :boxing:


BUT,... :hmm:


Me and Aubrey Fryer were pals,...but, we had a bit of fall out (what's fecking new ,.eh :) )...


Back in the 1980's I was doing a bit of writing for the Shooting News (now the Countryman's Weekly) and the truth of the matter is,..I wrote a wee article describing my own involvement with the Smithfield type,..(here in Hampshire we bred our 'wombles from localised herding dogs, just for the rabbiting game. We had no need of a hare coursing dog)....and in my article, I refused to say what Aubrey wanted me to..


Don't get me wrong,..I liked the man,..(I love being around lurcher folk that are genuine 'characters') and we used to have a good bit of craic,..but,.in common with ALL the advocates of these ancient lurcher 'types',..I simply did not understand his rationale or comprehend his theoretic ramblings... :no:

And back in those days,..after meeting such fellows,..I was duty bound to say what I truly believed...


These days,.I am not so brave,...and recent events 'at home' have taught me that life really is too short,.and what is left is to be enjoyed. I'm far too long in the tooth to argue about poxy silly jukels..

But,..occasionally,..I lapse back into my old ways,...and say exactly what I think,..and describe what I have seen with my own eyes,.as opposed to simply read about in books and magazines,..

However,..at this point in time I don't feel motivated enough to engage in a war of words... so, I'll willingly 'let sleeping dogs lie'..:boogie:


My one desire Is for Warren to buy me a large pint of Cider at The Welsh,.then I can die happy... :drink:


Meanwhile,...Please continue with this most excellent thread guys and gals,..,...I'm loving it.... ;)


All the best,..Chalkwarren...









Chalky, there is a pint from me and one from John. infact we should all have one or two together. It would be nice to keep this thread going in the hope of learning more about the mysterious Smithfield, Norfolk types!! What gen I'm after might already have been written, or, is there more to tell??

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exerlent thred.good to see so meny pics and people getting on with posative chat.dare i say this thred proves dogs in a lot ov cases, are like ther owners,( this type being high in the clever collie blood) :11: ,the smithfeild\norfolk lurcher starting out as a drovers dog herding livestock from norfolk to the smithfeiid market in london long before any kind ov modern transport,from sheep,cattle to geese with tar on there feet to stop them wearing down.the dog would have to be a herding dog with the turn ov speed enough to fill a pot along the way and another very important task would be that the dog had to be a very good guard! both against people trying to russal the odd sheep and other prediters looking for an easy meal. eg; fox etc.the norfolk luecher seems to have taken on the type ov a rough coat straw colour lurcher and meny stricking looking dogs iv seen on this therd. but!!,i beleave myself the dogs would have come in a great meny differnt shapes, colours and coats its the work they did that made them the dog they are.i lived on the road for 20 years and bred meny collie ker to others also some to some stright sighthounds most ov which are still around south norfolk today and still very good pot fillers and superb gaurds(forget rottys etc they dont have the brain to be left to run free and guard when the camp is empty),i live in a house now for the first time agian in 20 years but nither me or my dogs are suited to it,wont be long before me and my kers are back on the road.you could almost trust them to babysit if it were alowd,i got one old bitch i swear understands the english language,shes even dived into the sea after watching us fish and came up with a 2 lb dog fish ov all things.for those who find it hard to belive iln explane!,we took a trip to try catch a few bass over to wales and stood on the beach at ynesslass it was bout 2am with a large moon,we'd hit into a shole ov these do fish and bites were comeing so fast we had to drop down to one rod each. both myself and my mate had been drinking brandy coffees most ov the day with little coffee in them,the dog had been trying to make sence ov what we were doing all week when suddenly in she went head first into the water and then out with the fish and droped it on the pile, then went and sat poised as a cat on the waters edge agian leaveing me and my mate gogsmacked.i casualey said to him,thats fur feather people and fish i can put on my next litter add,funny thing was she doesnt realy like water,rum dog!! he said,your turn to put the kettle on.i keep a few different types ov lurcher and terrier,bull crosses whippets but if i could only have one it could only be a heavy collie blooded lurcher ov the ker type. :drink::yes:

Edited by ooty
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I dont know anything about the Smithfield types guys...i always liked Collie type Lurchers when i was back home...over here, in some areas, they would be handy...but the style of hunting, and the game i hunt know wouldnt be suited...kinda like drinking soup outta fine China!..lol.


But you guys would be mad about the Herding dogs over here...when i lived in NV, ive seen dogs work goats and sheep, on Mountain sides that the goats struggled with...in 90F, in the blistering sun...these where HUGE herding dog, and looked like Border Collies on steroids...most where around the 27-28" mark, and weighed, at a guess around 60lbs....they where crazy hunters, most of the lads that had them said they would think nothing of going into Coyotes and Badgers when they came across them...them dogs live a tough life up in them hills...no inncoulations, never wormed, fed once every few days...im sure the only time they looked ok, was lambing time, they used to eat all the afterbirth!...


I bet one of them, put over a Greyhound, or better still, a good speedy Staghound would be a fantastic animal for some of you lads back home...ive heard the dogs from the great plains (South and North Dakota, Nebraska etc) are even harder still!...



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Guest warren
exerlent thred.good to see so meny pics and people getting on with posative chat.dare i say this thred proves dogs in a lot ov cases, are like ther owners,( this type being high in the clever collie blood) :11: ,the smithfeild\norfolk lurcher starting out as a drovers dog herding livestock from norfolk to the smithfeiid market in london long before any kind ov modern transport,from sheep,cattle to geese with tar on there feet to stop them wearing down.the dog would have to be a herding dog with the turn ov speed enough to fill a pot along the way and another very important task would be that the dog had to be a very good guard! both against people trying to russal the odd sheep and other prediters looking for an easy meal. eg; fox etc.the norfolk luecher seems to have taken on the type ov a rough coat straw colour lurcher and meny stricking looking dogs iv seen on this therd. but!!,i beleave myself the dogs would have come in a great meny differnt shapes, colours and coats its the work they did that made them the dog they are.i lived on the road for 20 years and bred meny collie ker to others also some to some stright sighthounds most ov which are still around south norfolk today and still very good pot fillers and superb gaurds(forget rottys etc they dont have the brain to be left to run free and guard when the camp is empty),i live in a house now for the first time agian in 20 years but nither me or my dogs are suited to it,wont be long before me and my kers are back on the road.you could almost trust them to babysit if it were alowd,i got one old bitch i swear understands the english language,shes even dived into the sea after watching us fish and came up with a 2 lb dog fish ov all things.for those who find it hard to belive iln explane!,we took a trip to try catch a few bass over to wales and stood on the beach at ynesslass it was bout 2am with a large moon,we'd hit into a shole ov these do fish and bites were comeing so fast we had to drop down to one rod each. both myself and my mate had been drinking brandy coffees most ov the day with little coffee in them,the dog had been trying to make sence ov what we were doing all week when suddenly in she went head first into the water and then out with the fish and droped it on the pile, then went and sat poised as a cat on the waters edge agian leaveing me and my mate gogsmacked.i casualey said to him,thats fur feather people and fish i can put on my next litter add,funny thing was she doesnt realy like water,rum dog!! he said,your turn to put the kettle on.i keep a few different types ov lurcher and terrier,bull crosses whippets but if i could only have one it could only be a heavy collie blooded lurcher ov the ker type. :drink::yes:

OOTY that was a smashing tale and I bet there is more tell!!

Regards Warren

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my norfolk type bred by mick douglas out of rust around 81/82

little lurcher i spent many good days on acle marshes in the 80s with mick


thats a nice type. i had a freind that went hunting with mick, he use to walk about bare foot and cought a few hares, his dogs were great up and at them types. is he still about?

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Ooty, those lurchers with guarding ability, what breeding are they? Is it first cross collie or collie cross to collie cross?

With so many lurchers stolen, guarding ability is very useful.

started with my old bitch wilmer who was actualy a red merle lurcher. collie blood(none ov your hancock showy stuff)bred to a big strong but well nasty ol farm collie.the daughter i kept called ronny came out like short coated bullyish collie lurcher with the same temperment as the sire,in fact the whole litter had that natural kind ov one man and his dog jelouse obsesive protective nature.i had one ov the litter come back to me as an adult,he was in my eyes a a smart dog.a big long rough coated dog no matter how meny people tried to bribe him with a pork pie they still got bit so we called him judus he was infact a dangerous animal in the wrong hands,he was in my van one day when a mate thought it funny to keep tapping on the window and watch him nash at the glass,he did it once to often and the dog just hit the screen so hard he came right through,judus wasnt like his sister,who would do that sneaky collie bit on the arse when folk wernt looking,suddenly youd hear a scream and see her slinking back under the wagon.always told her she was a good girl for it,judus on the other hand would simply go for the kill when someone steped over the mark but was easly called off,i always felt safe in my bed with him chained under my door and her running free,it can be a vunarable lifestyle on the roadside some times,never knowing who it is thats just pulled up to see you or what there intension may be.there were quite well known round the area among policemen and other travallers alike.people got to know to sit in there cars and bib the horn to see if i was around.meny times id have people turn up saying i came to see you the other day but them fu*king collie things ov yours are mental mate.one ov my biggest regrets was letting a mate take judus on,his dead now but not before he left he caught his own mother which turned out to be a blessing as a rely big dog came out .merle agian with a white eye,the head and bone on him was like nothing iv ever seen on a collie lurcher,his awsome another friend owns him and he and ronny have kept my line going.ronnys daughter is the bitch in my corner.her sire was g,hound and she is all i realy need but i then bred juduses son to her and thats where the 3 merle pups in an earlyer pic came from.for anyone thats intrested, yes i do have meny tales ov my dogs.there my life.more my family,they have been known to fill agood size pot here and there aswel.theres a story o two there for another wet day :drink::thumbs: Edited by ooty
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Guest little lurcher
my norfolk type bred by mick douglas out of rust around 81/82

little lurcher i spent many good days on acle marshes in the 80s with mick


thats a nice type. i had a freind that went hunting with mick, he use to walk about bare foot and cought a few hares, his dogs were great up and at them types. is he still about?


i think dad saw him a few months ago and he didnt look too good at all sadly , them marshes offered such good days and nights , and still do :victory:

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