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Smithfields & Norfolks & Tumblers

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I see in The Countrymans this week there's is a big add for the above.

He says in the add 'selectively bred for centuries for all lurcher work'

I am very sceptical of this add, it looks to me like some clever advertising work to persuade non lurcher people who like the look of these dogs to part with a lot more cash than they would for another lurcher of mixed breeding.

If you like an over priced bitsa.

Not that there's anything wrong with bitsas, but at a fair price.

What does everybody else think?

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I see in The Countrymans this week there's is a big add for the above.

He says in the add 'selectively bred for centuries for all lurcher work'

I am very sceptical of this add, it looks to me like some clever advertising work to persuade non lurcher people who like the look of these dogs to part with a lot more cash than they would for another lurcher of mixed breeding.

If you like an over priced bitsa.

Not that there's anything wrong with bitsas, but at a fair price.

What does everybody else think?



I always thought a Tumbler was a Pigeon :whistling:




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I see in The Countrymans this week there's is a big add for the above.

He says in the add 'selectively bred for centuries for all lurcher work'

I am very sceptical of this add, it looks to me like some clever advertising work to persuade non lurcher people who like the look of these dogs to part with a lot more cash than they would for another lurcher of mixed breeding.

If you like an over priced bitsa.

Not that there's anything wrong with bitsas, but at a fair price.

What does everybody else think?

Haven't seen the add but sounds like the Jeff Burrell one..........there was a post on here discussing his dogs a week back.........dig it out and have a look............then come to your own conclusions. Like every lurcher breeder he breeds good, bad, indifferent, and anything in between..........!

You pay your money and make your choice i'm afraid.........just be aware that expensive doesn't always mean good.

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I see in The Countrymans this week there's is a big add for the above.

He says in the add 'selectively bred for centuries for all lurcher work'

I am very sceptical of this add, it looks to me like some clever advertising work to persuade non lurcher people who like the look of these dogs to part with a lot more cash than they would for another lurcher of mixed breeding.

If you like an over priced bitsa.

Not that there's anything wrong with bitsas, but at a fair price.

What does everybody else think?

If you have a couple of hours spare give Mr Burrell A ring and see if you are convinced. Its not the money that bothers me.I think if lurchers were more expensive they wouldnt get passed around so much . With me its the lies and deciept that offend and believe me you will get that in buckets. If a person hasnt worked there dogs in at least 10years why would you want to buy a puppy they have bred. Looking at pedigrees means nothing unless you know the dogs in it or they have a proven track record.
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comeing from norfolk and reading the history ov the smithfeild and norfolk.the lines died out years ago.some collie lurchers i bred in norfolk this year from my own old and line bred norfolk lines.guess im breeding norfolk lurchers,?? both parants certianly tumbel most ov what you put em on.the dam features in the pik in me corner


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thanks,was a lurcher lurcher mateing may repeat it next year.pups are 5 months now and in contact with most who had one.am happy to be hearing nothing but praise ov them,i got bull x aswell but a different tool altogether.none ov the pups were sold for silly prices.150 max.just as good as any high priced lurcher that cant be what its claimed to be.iv seen that add regulaly,seems to me someone just in it for the money.


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Guest warren

Hi all, I have a young lurcher bitch which Jeff Burrall bred, Molly will be about twelv months old. In all honesty I have done less with this young bitch than any other lurcher pup I have had. She is mad keen, a brilliant hard striker (tumbler) a good brave jumper and not a bad hunter. She is young, inexexperienced and should only get better!! Hope this helps.

Regards Warren

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I see in The Countrymans this week there's is a big add for the above.

He says in the add 'selectively bred for centuries for all lurcher work'

I am very sceptical of this add, it looks to me like some clever advertising work to persuade non lurcher people who like the look of these dogs to part with a lot more cash than they would for another lurcher of mixed breeding.

If you like an over priced bitsa.

Not that there's anything wrong with bitsas, but at a fair price.

What does everybody else think?


:hmm: Well,..as far as I am concerned,..a man can claim what he likes about his own Jukels,...its a free country... :yes: And as for buyers,..there will always be guys who crave something they genuinely believe to be special or different',...its human nature,..... :D

And good luck to them... :clapper:


I freely admit,...I don't know anything about Tumblers :cry: ,...


BUT,. I've always had an interest in the ancient types of herding breed, and over the years I've enjoyed breeding lurchers that resemble them,..(obviously not in emulating their legendary deeds),.but more as what I think an old style Smithfield might possibly of looked like :whistling:

I had some good times with my crew,...but nowadays (locally) my goal posts have changed,...I no longer need to keep such a versatile dog.....life moves on... :yes:


All the best,...CHALKWARREN.... :drink:









me to.always enjoyed old breeds the straw coloured dog in the pic seems what id say a smithfeild would have looked like.maybe a littte heavier??no authority mind! as for the the one on the left has he been on star wars?just kidding!! amazing coat is it beardie x? nice black and white pick. :thumbs:

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I know nothing of M r Burral only what I have seen in his ad in the countrymans weekly, but I have been out and about many times with Warrens young pup, I dont Know if all the lurcher breed this way are the same, but the only two that I know of seem good honest working type dogs, the other is about 3 1/2 to 4 years old and is a cracking animal, like has been said already I dont suppose for one minuet every dog out of this mans kennels is a world better of yesteryear and what we have all been lead to belive over the years that, that is the legendery norfolk lurcher, many years ago I owned a bitch bred by a man called david pike who claimed to have the last line out of mick douglese's norfolk lurcher and has also said you pay your money.......the bitch turned out to be the best lurcher I had ever owned, not that I am any where nere being the expert dog man that many other are this is not a dig this is a fact, she also on the other side of her breeding had a havey collie blooded line so may be this is where her good points came from, but back to the burral tumbelers, from what I have seen molly has a great future in the field great strike good nose and Im sure Warren will not mind me saying for a coddoly looking bitch she has some turn of speed



molly now



molly at about 6 months on the day of her first rabbit





molly watching for a bolt





A little clip of one of molly's very first rabbits



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