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"Are you being served?"

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..."Im Free!"...lol.


We dont have TV or internet at the house anymore, cant afford it!...but we do have a dvd player and a tv, so we go to the library, and rent dvds and vhs...


Latley ive been watching "Are you being served"...i think its awesome, and it cracks me up...has me laughing out aloud all the time...its SOOO british humour, i think its well written and very well thought out....alot of jokes on the 'class-war' of being common, working class, upper class etc.


The jokes about Mrs Slocombs pussy, they must have been fairly outrageous for the time...


American TV is VERY heavily sensored..not like british tv...they will 'fuzz-out' most things, wont even show boobs!...WTF!?


I think even this old English tv show would be to much for primetime yank tv...i love it though.



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It was a classic mate. I really didnt think it would be available over the pond on video or dvd.

I always imagined yanks going to the video shop buying hollywood blockbusters and the like, not 70's british comedy!! you learn something everyday!!

Edited by trappa
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Kye; Want some of the best brit tv Ever? Look no further than thirty two years back. Roy Dotrice in " Dickens ". I've never forgotten that serise. Then there was " When The Boat Comes In ", with James Bolam et al. ('Waye aye, bonny lud?'). The entire run of " Fox ". And, obviously; " Out of Town " with Jack Hargreaves :yes: All stuff I watched probably before ye'd have been old enough to appreciate it. But All stuck fast in my heart and mind.


Want to just turn the stereo onto headphones and lose chunks of a day? Bbc do a double CD of Radio 4's production; " Bomber ", by Len Deighton. F*ck! :icon_eek:

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Trappa, you would be amazed mate...they have a channel over here called "BBC America" and it has Retro night, with allsorts of stuff on...'The Avengers', 'Doctor Who'...loads of older stuff....i remember they always have that show on,.."Cash in the Attic" or "Bargain Hunters"...i cant remember, but it had that orange twat hosting it, the one that used to say "Cheap as Chips"...always wore them 'orrible suits!...god i hate that bloke!


I was just telling the Mrs this morning about that series called "Allo allo"...dont know how you would spell it though...with that guy with the tash (Rennie?) who always used to say.."You stupid woman,...can you not see that i am comforting this poor girl etc"...that used to crack me up as well!..



Cheers Ditch, i will keep an eye/ear open for them...ive even got special ear phones for people with severe cauliflower ears, so i would be able to listen in peace as well!...damn these ears...my mums coming over next week for seven days, ive not seen her for three years...she will shit hot conkers when she see's my ears!..lol.


We have also been getting "Poirot"...with the Belgian detective guy in it?...thats preaty cool, although i used to hate it when i was a kid...me mum loved it though...i always get a little homesick after watching this stuff though...its strange, but i still call England 'home', even if it was the best thing i ever done moving away from that goverment!...love the land, hate the people who run it!... :wallbash::thumbdown:



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...its strange, but i still call England 'home', even if it was the best thing i ever done moving away from that goverment!...love the land, hate the people who run it!... :wallbash::thumbdown:





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Hi Jay,


Tv isn't as good anymore, remember Never the Twain with Donald Sinden and Windsor Davies.......Smallbridge............Your right about tv programmes bringing back childhood memories, I loved Blakes 7 and had to watch Dallas every wednesday night as it was my mums favourite show...


Hows the MMA going old chap?



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Are You Being Served" has become our tradition at bedtime, pop in the DVD, I'm asleep in 10 minutes and we have to rewatch it for 3 weeks to make it through the 6 episode DVD! They have something like 40 of them at the library, even some are interview and behind the scenes versions.


I find it strange that MOST of the DVD's and VHS tapes abailable for rental at the library here are BBC productions? not sure why?


Miss Marple (Kye HATES it and won't watch it with me so I have to watch it on my lonesome :cray: )


Poirot (I can't say it properly which is the only reason he likes it so much, oh and also when he found out the little dude wasn't French :D )


The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries - with Jeremy someone?




Minisieries Wives and Daughters-what a wonderful program!


Of course the James Herriot series


the list goes on and on! I have to say other than no MMA, I'm really not missing not having a TV. Of course having a TON to do all the time (who knew gardening took so much work?) and being dead tired at night helps cut down on our "do nothing" time!

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a fairly recent one which a have (both series) on dvd.......is EARLY DOORS.


so...so....funny .


see if you chaps in the good ol' us of a ...........can find a copy.


very british...........very funny !!!!!!





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