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Book Poll

Favourite book  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite fieldsport books

    • Running Dog Addiction by J.Darcy
    • The Hunting Gene by Robin Page
    • The Working Jack Russell by Eddie Chapman
    • Terriermen and Terriers by John Broadhurst
    • The Working Terrier by D.Harcombe
    • Stormy Nights, Frosty Mornings by P.Dooley
    • Gazehounds and Coursing by D.Salmon
    • The Working Terrier by DB.Plummer
    • Dig Deep, Throw Well Back by J.Darcy
    • With Gun, Rifle and Bow by James Douglas

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  DeeD said:
The World Of The Working Terrier by David Harcombe.


Thats up there, just forgot "the world of the" bit. Could have added The Real Jack Russell Terrier by Eddie Chapman, E.G Walshs books, Tales of a Rat Hunting Man, Rogues and Runningdogs by Plummer, Hunters Paradise by P.Holden or J.Darcys Extreme Lurcherwork. Read them all a thousand times and no doubt will read them another thousand. :yes:

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J. Darcy's "Running Dog Addiction get's my vote :good: As one of the fairly new additions to my collection!!

The photographs are stunning and the text and narrative well written, I have to be honest and say, Darcy, sent me a signed copy for some-one else who had been injured out foxing!!!!!!! The fecker that I am I read it from cover to cover, before I handed it over, I knew I had to hand it over to the lad it was for. So I bought my own copy :whistle: and I still flick through it now and again. :good:


Ps: Shaggy!!!! The signed copy is still one of the Lad's most treasured possesions and it was the first gift anyone gave him after his accident


Cheers [bANNED TEXT] :good:



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the james doulglas book is excellent and not many people i speak to have heard of it...also tha waddy wadsford "sporting life" is truely superb, well written and with good accounts of otterhunting and other such sports with good pics.....if you can get hold of a copy i would recommend it :good:

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  J Darcy said:
the james doulglas book is excellent and not many people i speak to have heard of it...also tha waddy wadsford "sporting life" is truely superb, well written and with good accounts of otterhunting and other such sports with good pics.....if you can get hold of a copy i would recommend it :good:



Yeah I loved the James Douglas book, good stories from an excellent writer. I not read the Waddy Wadsworth book so will have to get a copy. The Notorious Paocher by G.Bedson is also a great book, tales of poaching various game in Staffordshire. So JD I've just read on another topic about you bringing two new books out this year. CAN I ORDER A COPY OR PUT MY NAME ON THE LIST :friends: :yes:

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J Darcy Posted Yesterday, 09:54 AM

the james doulglas book is excellent and not many people i speak to have heard of it...also tha waddy wadsford "sporting life" is truely superb, well written and with good accounts of otterhunting and other such sports with good pics.....if you can get hold of a copy i would recommend it


Waddy Wadsworth's later book "Vive la Chasse" (1989), was the better, IMO.

Both a good read.


If you can find a copy, the 2nd edition of "Wanny Blossoms"(1879) is quite nice little book.

(the 1st Ed doesn't have the hunting (otter & fox) and doggy tales in)

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  J Darcy said:
the james doulglas book is excellent and not many people i speak to have heard of it...also tha waddy wadsford "sporting life" is truely superb, well written and with good accounts of otterhunting and other such sports with good pics.....if you can get hold of a copy i would recommend it :good:



Read something on the internet that author and gundog trainer James Douglas died after a bow accident, anyone know anything about it? :no:

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  J Darcy said:
yes i beleive he was refitting his browning bow with my strings when it smashed in his bow-press, the bow limb smashed into his head killing him instantly...i got the cutting still somewhere.... :no:


Real shame he had a great writing style :( Looks like Runningdog Addiction and Dig Deep came out well in the poll :good:

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