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your favourit 22lr round for rabbit

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Hollow subs - quiet when used through a moderator. E.g.on Friday night I shot 4 rabbits all fairly close to each other, one after the other, just about as fast as I could cycle the bolt!


For me it's Winchester's. but that's only becasue they give the best grouping in my CZ 452.





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One that goes bang :)


Tends to be Magtech because they're cheap as chips, accurate and the hollow point really works, unlike Eley which I find doesn't really expand (although you gotta love the accuracy)


Eley's expand like mushrooms compared to lapua hp subs, though the lapua gave supreme accuracy in my rifles. :(

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Interesting one this...I have tried a lot over the years and you will be faced with barrel, loading system, personal preference, etc etc but I suspect as several have said the Eley subs take a lot of beating for quality and grouping GENERALLY.


However, I use Magtech 40g Subsonic HP almost exclusively in my CZ Silhouete now. I do not suggest it is the BEST ammo in my gun but it extremely good and costs just under half what the Eley does....ticks all the boxes for me!

Edited by Deker
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