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Advice-Urgent if possible-lost ferrets

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Hi all, advice please?

I put my ferrets (two sandy Hobs) in to their 'Play Pen' as usual today. they normally spend 3-4 hours a day just playing with their tube and upturned litter tray. Why , i dont know, but after a year of contented play, they managed in the space of 20 mins to dig out and i have not seen them since.

They are very content, well handled and the best natured ferrets i have ever had. i have looked for them for the last 9 hours, but can't find them.

They normally come to call.


I have left live traps baited with food and water, left their cage open with a ramp and will keep checking regularly.


Does any one have any other advice?


Has anyone been lucky in getting their own lost ferrets back?


What timescale was invloved?


My kids are just about inconsolable and so is the wife.


Anything i've missed?







Edited by mattydski
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Any places in ye vicinity liable to be harbouring rats or rabbits? Anyone else around ye got ferrets? Possible something's holding their attention. Just hope it's not somebodys bantams :icon_eek:

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Aye, i live in the middle of a wood, in the middle of farm land. I have got rabbit holes with in 30 yrds of the ferret pen, but they always come back to call, even when down a hole. Plus, not a lot of activity with the holes at present, shot most of them. No young at present, plus it was daytime, and we dont see many rabbits in the daytime? No Rats and no ones got chickens close either.


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Aye, i live in the middle of a wood, in the middle of farm land. I have got rabbit holes with in 30 yrds of the ferret pen, but they always come back to call, even when down a hole. Plus, not a lot of activity with the holes at present, shot most of them. No young at present, plus it was daytime, and we dont see many rabbits in the daytime? No Rats and no ones got chickens close either.



i really hope you get them back mate.I really cant think of anything else to do.You seem to have covered it all.Unless you could maybe put up a sign in local shops or other public places.Offer a small reward.

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Thanks, i will do that.



As i said i hope you get them back,but if you dont,i see you in scotland.Gimme a Pm i have a litter and your kids would be welcome to a cpl when they ready.


PS not cashing in on your misfortune mate,they can have them free of charge.

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Thanks, i will do that.



As i said i hope you get them back,but if you dont,i see you in scotland.Gimme a Pm i have a litter and your kids would be welcome to a cpl when they ready.


PS not cashing in on your misfortune mate,they can have them free of charge.


Thanks, for the offer, i'm Really hoping i get these two back, they are a bit special.


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As others have said, contact all animal shelters, ie: rspca etc, and the police around your local area, and put up notices, maybe even offer a reward as an incentive. also ask your neighbours if they have seen them, word does get around if you spread it.


My brother lost a ferret for 7 days before it turned back up on top of it's cage, so don't lose hope.


Good luck!! hope you get them back.

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Last year.No one else to blame but meself,didn't shut a cage properly.Had that"worried,panicky, sicky feeling "straight away. Photo-copied notes to the neighbours,rang the usual suspects .Searched ,called,placed cage-traps. Ten days later at dawn little sandy face appears from under my shed.Fat as a piggy(I suspect a diet of hedgehogs ).Don't know if she'd been around all along or just found her way home.I've chickens and so have a neighbour but even they had'nt drawn her out. So ,keep hoping and looking.The best of luck.

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Last year.No one else to blame but meself,didn't shut a cage properly.Had that"worried,panicky, sicky feeling "straight away. Photo-copied notes to the neighbours,rang the usual suspects .Searched ,called,placed cage-traps. Ten days later at dawn little sandy face appears from under my shed.Fat as a piggy(I suspect a diet of hedgehogs ).Don't know if she'd been around all along or just found her way home.I've chickens and so have a neighbour but even they had'nt drawn her out. So ,keep hoping and looking.The best of luck.

I lost one of my hobs out of his pen, he dissapeared for two weeks! and then he appeared at his old hutch looking very thin but ok, don't lose hope mate!


AM sure they will return, keep us posted!

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You often here of ferrets being found near where they escaped from or were lost from a week or two later ,they must have a sense like a homing pigeon

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just checked my live traps this morning at 5.00. One very cold Hob.... Had drank all the water, not touched the food.

One down ......One to go. I am begining to see light at the end of a very stressful tunnel

Thanks for the support

Matt :rolleyes:

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