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il eat my words if any of you can find in litrature that states a .22is designed to shot at these stupid distances,yes a .17 hmr (which the rifle and bullets are designed to shoot at these greater distances) pound to a penny it states 60 to 70 yards max for a .22 ... all your doing is encouraging new comers to the sport to get the " well if he can do it so can i" senario....


at no point did i say the ballistics of a .22 are not capable of killing at 100 plus,or that with the right gear and shooter that is was impossible, just that its not designed to shoot so far...


il match any one shooting targets at 300 plus yards with my 22.250 , but i wouldnt be as stupid to post on a forum ( or even try such a shot on a living target) that i reguarly head shoot roe at these distances..


if what you say is true about your prowess with the .22 then bully for you :notworthy: , but imo posting such things on a open forum is doing nothing good,(apart from buffing up your ego) only encouraging the bad....





Take a Chill Pill!!!


I'll book you up some shooting lessons with Mr Logic..then you can re write that book you read about 60-70 yard .22LR distance. :thumbs::thumbs:


He is a very good shot (but don't tell him I said so). When you have finished your lessons with him I'll give you the advanced course! :whistling::whistling::thumbs:


very good, but thats me on a full dose of chill pills.. every one is entitled to there opinions, mr logic, your self and i included.. :victory:

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Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I read your post as somewhat preachy though - my opinion would be more "I don't shoot beyond 80 yards because I don't feel comfortable". That's 100% fine - everyone should use their tools out to a distance they are comfortable with, it's safer and better that way.

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