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  shepp said:
The ones who have the least problem with it are the ones who don't live amoungst it i.e. politicians who can afford to live in pleasant white suburbs and maybe yourself up in Cumbria.

Try spending a day down here and visit Southall and Slough.

You may come away with a different opinion.

You missed out Hounslwo Shepp,I have f**k all against anyone prepared to contribute,but stand next to 90% of caucasians in Hounslow High street,they are chatting away in an eastern-european language,thats FACT,not scare-mongering,its genuine FACT! :icon_eek:

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Guest markbrick1

i remember 1996 i had been out of england for 7 yrs and never returned home,but when i did i found it full of pakis,no way i could settle back here i had 2 more trips to make to new guinea and that was it,i came home didnt like it up north full of em,it wasnt the same so i had one last go and bought a cottage in cornwall well iam here and theres non really here at all,mark

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I came back 1997 after 7 1/2 years away,its not individual ethnicities that are starting to get on my tits,its religious zealots and this f***ing government pandering and kow-towing to their every whim for the immigrant f***ing vote,Labour are fu**ing useless to be honest :thumbdown:

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I have been racially abused in this country a few times,been told by a grinning somali idiot that he was here to bleed our country dry,been told by a ghanaian that he was here to take back what we had stole from his country,been called a gorah on countless occasions,anyone has to live in cloud cuckoo land not to realise we have big ethnic ghettos on this small crowded island of ours,and some of them are simmering :icon_eek:

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cant see what all the fuss is about i dont mind immergrants i think everybody should own about six. they can be reared very cheap shot skinned and sold to the big eating china population.

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Guest bullyboy1976

ferret-joe....i would have knocked her fukn teeth down her throat......woman or not....im raging just thinking of that shiite....i would have made sure she had a facial scar.... :censored::wallbash:

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In May 2008, 18 year-old Ben Smith was stopped in a routine check. The police officer noticed an English flag on the parcel shelf and ordered him to remove it because it was "racist towards immigrants." One of the first things foreign powers usually do when they invade a country is to ban its national symbols. The fact that you can no longer run your flag in parts of Britain – and the Netherlands, Sweden, France, etc. – shows that the country is de facto under occupation, not just by Muslims, but by Multiculturalists and Globalists of all kinds. :thumbdown: downhill from here i gues =@

Edited by hollands hope
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Ok,not a problem,we arent allowed to show the Union Jack for fear of being racially offensive,visit Notting hill during the carnival,look at the amount of Jamaican flags on show,or better still,visit Southall broadway during Eid,its packed with cars driving slowly,all hooting their horns and ALL flying pakistani flags,its a no-go zone then if your not white,and the police?Conspicuous only by their absence,they adopt a f***ing softly softly approach :thumbdown:

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You KNOW it would have been absolutely nothing,I sometimes wonder if the police realise they are public SERVANTS,most of them seem to think they are an invading/occupying force,they would have put kids gloves on if she had abused you and asked her to apologise,if you had insulted her however,you would have been taking a ride in the back of a vehicle at the tax-payers expense,whens this madness going to end? :icon_eek:

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I'm not saying it's going to solve the problem but there is a chance when this government gets voted out next election, and it will.

There just may be at least some brakes applied to this left wing pc anti british prejudice.

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