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Ferreting terriers

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My wee terrier is great with the ferrets, so gentle with them, even with young kits she will stand and let them crawl around, only lifting a paw if she gets one nip to many. She good with the cat too, indoors anyway haha Have seen her on occasion trying to follow the ferret down holes too. Likes her comfort a bit too much, last time out last season had an awkward dig in a blackthorn hedege, looked round and couldnt see dog. Found her curled up sleeping in the net bag haha

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lmao .. bit odd seeing a working dog trying to breed with its quarry lol ... i guess your right best thing to do is leave him at home ..


naw, thats the bitch!!!! :icon_redface:

i think as it dont run, she wont chase it?

but a bitch trying to mate a buck :whistling:

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lmao .. bit odd seeing a working dog trying to breed with its quarry lol ... i guess your right best thing to do is leave him at home ..


naw, thats the bitch!!!! :icon_redface:

i think as it dont run, she wont chase it?

but a bitch trying to mate a buck :whistling:

orrr yeah .. i never thought bout it been a bitch lol hmmm bit odd although my girlfriend bitch king charles trys it with her hedgehog teddy ...lol they must be gagging for it :o:whistling::angel:

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