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Ferreting terriers

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Does anyone use terriers for ferreting? I know its a bit tame for them, but my small jrt is a great dog for it. Marks well helps keep track of ferrets below ground, will be at net when rabbit bolts and has indicated before if ferret kills below ground. Interested to here other peoples opinions. Want to get her working below ground but both of us inexperienced and dont want to take any risks haha

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Does anyone use terriers for ferreting? I know its a bit tame for them, but my small jrt is a great dog for it. Marks well helps keep track of ferrets below ground, will be at net when rabbit bolts and has indicated before if ferret kills below ground. Interested to here other peoples opinions. Want to get her working below ground but both of us inexperienced and dont want to take any risks haha



i use my bedlington for ferreting great fun catches the odd half grown rabbits aswell . :D

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i use a ferreting terrier i couldnt go out without one.....


my brother and meself out mid last season one of ou ferreing bitchs in my hands


a litter we bred of her last summer and another one or ferreting bitchs behind my nephew




ATB nbk

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Nice looking wee dog there. I wont go without mine, great second set of eyes when ferrets surface, I work alone so is invaluable. What size to shoulder is the dog in picture, looks small like mine. Mine only 10" to shoulder. and will enter a rabbit hole if mood takes her.

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Nice looking wee dog there. I wont go without mine, great second set of eyes when ferrets surface, I work alone so is invaluable. What size to shoulder is the dog in picture, looks small like mine. Mine only 10" to shoulder. and will enter a rabbit hole if mood takes her.



she is a small bitch alright she wouldnt even be that 10" i say

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the wee dogs definately do job, especially if its hedgerow ferreting you do, most of mine is, and under blackthorns holly gorse ets, she can tear in and out no problem. Game enough to tackle bigger stuff to, and i find mine to be a good retriever to, the litter sister of my bitch is used for flushing and retrieving pheasants on a rough shoot. My bitch bit to hard mouth for that haha

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Mine are used for ferreting the bits that are impossible to do with the lurchers - a lot of our ferreting is in woodland, some of it on very steep inclines which is totally unsuitable for lurchers. Totally different to ferreting with lurchers, but it serves its purpose now and then.
















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yer i use my lakeland now and again for ferreting .. like have him patroling around the bushes incase a rabbit slips the nets or anything . Just gota make sure the ferret doesnt come out first cos he hates them with a pasion :( .. is it normal or can i train him out of it ?

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we have two JRT, dog and bitch,

the bitch is brill at ferreting, marks the warrens in use, will follow the noise underground, and gaurd the nearest hole, waiting for the rabbit, yet she'll leave a ferret if it comes running through, she cant jump the longnets, but waits to be pulled over, our dog though, is an out and out ratter, cant trust him one inch around the ferts, one minute you think he's fine with them, but you take your eye of him for a split second, and he'll try having one, and for that reason, no ferreting trips for him


here's the bitch, trying to shag the wife's buck rabbit :clapper:

and one of the dog




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