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Out for a stalk on Friday afternoon ,it was blowing a gale but I wanted to see what signs of roe there were in this particular wood that I havent been in for ages.I entered the wood with a strong wind in my face and glassed 2 does immediately.Now I tried to shoot off and old tree stump and managed to snatch the trigger, off ran 3 roe , 2 does and a buck. I was a bit pissed off to say the least but carried on, I had only gone 100 yards up the wood and spied another doe, this time I made no mistake and dropped her on the spot :D






I continued to stalk the wood and noticed another doe staring straight at me from about 60 yards, I opened my sticks and slowly slid the rifle from my shoulder, she still stared and then I bagged her as well :D




2 out of 3 aint bad!!!!!!!



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Thats a t8 nutshot. Dont you shoot a 22-250? if so, dont cut the barrel below 26" whatever you do, that calibre needs all that length to burn its powder, its what is known as "overbored", if you cut it, you will lose a fair amount of power.

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I think they add 4 to 5" and sleeve back a bit, there is also the t4, but its not big enough for a 22 250. Any good shop will get you one, or go to the importers www.jacksonrifles.com have you got one on your ticket? if not , you will need a variation.

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