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advice wanted!

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guys have a 8 month old pup and it SHITS EVERY WHERE AND ITS LIKE PISS.

tried changing its food starved it for a few days..fed it dried food and nothing works is this a common thing..a first for me..

any ideas guys as its doing my fukin head in now!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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how long has she been shitting like this

hi sue shes been like this for about the last month as thats all weve had it..got it of a fukwit who didnt treat it right but he said it was fine there and weve had it on the same food! :blink:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Is there something seemingly wrong with this Dogs shit? Or is it just given to shitting where ye'd rather it didn't? Please expand so we know what ye driving at.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Oh, right. Sorry, mate. I must have missed that.


So, the Dog's shit is " Gooey Mush " and it pisses more than ye'd expect? Ok; What was / are ye feeding it on? I gather it's the same thing. But what thing?



:doh: EDITED to say: (I'm distracted tonight! :laugh:) Sorry. With ye now. " It's LIKE piss ".


F*ck me; Month and gone, doing that? What in gods name IS this Dog eating???

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when i say piss its more like slop creamy mash spud...feeding on wag to start this is what previous owner had it on..then tried dry puppy food then wafcol then mince meat raw meat liver(made it worse) so now dont know what to do approched vet said if its not like piss just loose then try this try that cock of shit its done nothing!

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it sounds like it had a slight upset stomach and with swapping its food about you have made it worse ,i think your best bet is to feed it on boiled rice and boiled chicken for about a week giving maybe 3 small meals a day ,to much at once will only make it worse.then slowly add the food you intend to keep him on and slowly drop the amount of feeds

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guys have a 8 month old pup and it SHITS EVERY WHERE AND ITS LIKE PISS.

tried changing its food starved it for a few days..fed it dried food and nothing works is this a common thing..a first for me..

any ideas guys as its doing my fukin head in now!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


has the dog been wormed?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I went out for an hour there, mate. What Sue's saying is what a vet would've told ye. That's their standard response, before holding their hand out.


I get the impression too that this Dog's been on just about every diet imaginable, for short bursts. Half of it stuff I wouldn't personally use for rat bait. And liver will most definately soften up cast iron. Makes for a sticky, softish, black shit. Like tar, only worse.


What I'd personally do it inflict one more change of diet on the poor soul - one more can't make things any worse. I'd aim to make them a world better. I'd start giving it raw flesh (repeat; Flesh, not organs) and bone. My customary sheeps ribs. Then I'd feed the bugger that for the rest of its life - supplemented with chicken frames and the odd bit of cows heart, tounge and what ever.


For a quick fix, just to dry that shit up and make it more manageable ~ I imagine ye'd prefer something ye can pick up and dispose of? ~ If ye can get hold of a fresh cows shin bone? 'Marrow Bone'. Have the butcher pass it through his band saw and drop it down into four inch lengths. Let the Dog have one bit to play around with - between lamb dinners - and take the bone away once all the marrow's been licked out.


Dog'll quite possibly seem to shit more then. But it'll be like yellow marbles which'll turn white in the sun and crumble to powder, if ye a dirty f*cker and don't pick up behind ye Dogs, thus treading in it.


I'd like to remind ye not to expect miracles overnight but, fed like that, ye may bloody near as see such. Nothing tidies a Dogs shit up like bone and, especially, marrow. Give that a try and let us know what's happening in a week from now, eh?

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