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It's an ill wind...

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Worked like stink this morning because we'd arranged a sea-fishing trip in the afternoon.Driving to the coast could,nt help notice the trees swaying.Sure enough by the time we'd grouped on the quayside a very ill-wind was blowing.Skipper said it was'nt dangerous but it would be unpleasant and hard to fish.Wind against tide n all that nautical stuff. Fishing cancelled we masochisticly trolled to the nearest tackle shop to stroke the shiny things..."What the Hell is this doing on a ferret site?",you may ask. While the others fondled the silky contours of the rods in what to me appeared a slightly unhealthy manner I found myself crouched before a dusty cabinet .I scanned the faded boxes of unsold and outmoded items of tackle,a split box of Marksman air-pellets and the brand new,boxed, Mk1 Ferret-Finder ,it's pale sticker faintly proclaiming a price of £42 :icon_eek: .......It gets better. ."Had that ages",said the shop-keeper ,"Used to do all field-sports stuff but went totally over to fishing tackle years ago.....You can have it half price". Its an ill wind that does'nt blow someone somewhere some good. :D

Edited by comanche
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you jammy sod lol

just a bit.I mean even if it had been an empty display pack i was going to offer him a quid just as a collectors thing.Even he could'nt remember it there was anything in the box he had'nt handled it for so long.I wonder if Deben will honour the warranty if it goes wrong. :thumbs:

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