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grumpy old bugger told to say hello

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Been told I better say hello, which is very painful for a grumpy old b*****d to do, but yere tis!!!


I've decided to join this site, because after many years of bringing up brats I have decided to become one myself again and take up all my old habits of crawling round in bushes with dogs and things.


Used to train gun dogs and take in rescues, did a bit of trialing til it all got a bit too serious.


Do a bit of shooting when time and money allow.


Own a collection of decrepit old buggers that I lack the heart to put out of their miseries.


Bought a horse t'other day, but he decided he was boss, and in the end I decided to agree with him. Cat meat now....

only joking.......about the cat meat at least....but watch this space. :diablo:

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