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walking barefoot

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Walked naked apart from boots along the edge of a glacier once,bathed in a glacial melt-water stream and needed to dry off,the sun was beating down that day so what better way to drip-dry,walked naked and swam on beaches loads of times,something liberating about it :victory:

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:no: Wouldnt try it round here, my feet would be cut to ribbons with the flints all round us like razors. Try to keep the dogs out of the worst but sometimes cant stop them. They have had some nasty deep cuts to their pads, just the way of life for running dogs here.They get well looked after though.
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:yes: Yeppers. I used to like going off into the tall bracken and taking my cut offs off. They were all I wore at the time (summer at least) but had to because there were people about. Tis good though. People may laugh, in their ignorance of the experience, but it does bring out a feeling of rather being feral, doesn't it?


Something everyone should experience at some point. It's great :)


Think i might have to try that one day :whistling::laugh:


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I walked home from camping on the mountain, with one sock and no boxers if that counts, the rest is another story


That sounds interesting :whistling:


I love going barefoot. Walking round in nowt is good too, but skinny dipping is the best :thumbs:

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have to be careful going barefoot in some places. thats the way many people get parasitic worms.


as a kid i was always running about with nothing on but a smile. my mom used to fuss at me that i would "get worms in my feet" ... being a child i thought she meant earth worms and i always avoided those lol when i got older i read an article in a science magazine about the oldest mummies in the world came from a southern California/Mexico region. the people from those tribes rarely lived over the age of 21 and all died from parasites like hook and round worms... which they got when they were children, walking barefoot through areas that were normally used for the toilet.


so in a way my mom was right, but i never got worms lol because i didnt walk through piles of crap!


and yes you seem to become more aware of yourself and surroundings when barefoot. i can creep up on stuff with shoes on. but i tend to walk on the tips of my toes than flat footed.... which is a habit from when i was a kid walking barefoot lol you dont step on nearly as many stickers if you walk tippy toed!

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i wander about the house in socks, always have done, and freaked the BF out the other day, by walking across the gravel driveway barefoot without flinching! if it's been a hot day & i'm taking the dogs out for their evening walk, i'll take my boots off & walk up the back lane barefoot - warm tarmac underfoot is a really nice feeling. wet sand under your toes is good too. i like walking on grass barefoot, but i can't do it in my garden cos it's pretty much guaranteed i'll tread in somethings shit!

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its not safe to go bare-foot on my property. its an old old homestead and there is broken glass everywhere it seems..... there are some places safer to walk than others, but its shocking how much glass is out here. i suppose the previous owners had young boys who liked to target practice on coke bottles and what not.


the place where i built my pig's pen is especially bad. it seemed ok on the surface but once she began rooting the ground up she uncovered tons of broken bottles, jaws, plates, flower pots, rusty nails, among other things.... and my ducks have found brown or green glass from beer bottles, which they like to carry around for some reason....


as a result of all the glass i tend to yell at people's children if they dont wear shoes. i feel bad for it too because "It's the Country".. you should feel safe letting your kids go bare-foot.... but not here....

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my last place was the same, my garden had been the dump for the cottages next door. how the dog didn't shred his feet i'll never know, but the ground was riddled with triangular bits of glass :icon_eek:

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