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pike fishing lastnight

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was sitting at home yesterday bored out my skull so i phoned my brother-in-law and said get ready we are going fishing so once we got all our stuff ready and had our tea (fish cake and chips) we set off at 8.00 and got there for 8.30ish i had allready set the rods up so all we had to do was set tri pod up and put bite alarms on so did that and them put bait on witch was smelt that i had got fresh that day from local tackle shop after casting out i set my seat up and got my other rod that i use for spinning and had a little spin before it went dark didnt get nowt on that so i just sat on my seat and waited and i didnt have to wait that long till my bite alarm started beeping then it stopped and i sat for 5 mins then off it went again line flying off the reel so picked the rod up and give it a good pull back and after i did that all hell broke lose the pike just about pulled all my line off my reel i started getting abit of line back then it went again and went down in to some weed after it did that it was just a dead wait i kept pulling and pulling but nowt so i let some line out and the pike went off again after about 15 20 mins i got it up to the bank and pulled it out by hand it was well hooked witch was good got it on the unhooking mat got hooks out on put it on the scales it showed up on the scales as 15lb 2oz couldnt get the smile off my face all night didnt get anymore because come home just after 2.00 and it just started raining so was good timeing still not my best from the pond witch is 19lb will put some pics up today once i get them off the cam.

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